Chapter Forty-Three

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"This is our last hope," Colton sighs as I shove more fries into my mouth. The pain medication seems to have helped, my head and hip are completely numb - perfect. 

Colton has finally opened up to me about the current situation with the rebels and why he has been so stressed. I hadn't realised we were in such a dire situation - which only adds to my uncertainty of this whole thing.

"But with Peter's help we'll be fine... right?" I question, unease building in my veins. The rebels can't win, they won't. After everything, there is no chance in hell those blood thirsty, conniving brutes are getting out of this alive. 

We will bring them down once and for all - no matter what it takes.

"We have one week to prepare, if everything goes to plan and we don't have any surprises until then... then yes we will be fine," I can't help but notice the waver in his voice - he wouldn't lie to me though, would he?

"One week is a long time, especially when things can change drastically in a matter of minutes," I counter and Colton runs his hand over his face. A week is a very large window of time considering our current circumstances.

"But it's enough time for everyone to prepare and develop a solid plan," he explains and I nod in understanding. "I need you to train and do everything you can to keep safe," his tone is nothing but serious.

"I'll be fine... we both will," I say and reach for his hand. The familiar warmth spreads through me as my hand touches his. The same rush of electricity that I will never bore of.

"As soon as this is over, when the rebels are gone and there's no longer a target on you... we'll get out of here and we'll go wherever you want to," he proposes and my heart races at the idea. I would love nothing more than to go anywhere with him - to get out of this place.

"Like I said before, I don't care where we go just that you're with me," anywhere is home when he is with me. Colton is home and I know that will never change.

"And I will be with you, my love," he whispers and squeezes my hand. I can't help the tears that well in my eyes. Together, we will do all of this together.

"I love you," I say and watch as Colton grins as he always does when I say those three words.

"And I love you," I press a kiss to his lips and relish in the taste of him. The feeling of his hands now cupping my face. This is a feeling I wish to never have to let go of.

I pull away and rest my forehead against his. "We'll fight together... until the end," I whisper and he takes a deep breath.

"Until the end, my love," Colton repeats and I don't hold back the tears anymore.


Colton's arms are wrapped tightly around my waist, my back pressed flush against him. I go to move his arms but he only tightens his hold on me. "Don't go... not yet," he groans and I roll my eyes. 

We have six days, six days until the rebels are going down and here he is begging me not leave this bed. The irony is not lost on me.

"I need to go train with Zach... as you requested might I add," I say and he laughs into the crook of my neck, his hands roaming my body.

"I wish I never said such a thing," he kisses my neck but I roll over and push against his chest. No distractions.

"Stop trying to distract me," I say but he just laughs again. That charming god damn laugh that I wish I didn't love so much.

"You know you love it," Colton teases and trails his hand up my side.

"You have meetings to attend and I have training to do... later," I peck his lips before getting out of bed and heading towards the bathroom.

Cold Devotion | ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz