Chapter Three

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Andrew sits at a table in what looks like a conference room, maybe his office. The walls are white and the floor's concrete, the table he sits at is white and glossy and the chairs are clear. The room looks clean... fresh.

"You wanted to talk to me, Mr Grey?" I say and he looks up with a bright smile. He is nothing like his son, Andrew is warm and friendly and that's more than I can say for Colton.

"No need for the formalities... call me Andrew, please," he says and I nod. "Please sit and don't worry you're not in trouble, I just wanted to give you your schedule," he explains and I take a seat in the chair opposite him.

"Schedule?" I question and he slides a piece of paper across the table. The table shows the days of the week and the activities I'll be doing on each day. There are two weeks of activities and Andrew tells me that it will rotate. So one week I will do week A then the next week B then week A again and so on.

"I know there is a lot of training but we need you to be prepared for war at any time," Andrew explains. It's not the training I am worried about, it's spending all of that time with Colton - but I can't exactly tell him that his son is one of the worst, if not the worst, people I have ever met.

"War?" I ask and his face turns solemn.

"I shouldn't be telling you this but as you are the lead commander's daughter, I know I can trust you. There has been an uprising in our sector and they are planning to take down the government and anyone in relations to them," Andrew says, his voice low and my chest tightens. Why wouldn't my father tell me this? I know that he thinks I'm irresponsible but this is big.

"Why are they going after the government?" I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me once again.

"Because... they believe they and the system are both corrupt. They think that the power is going to the wrong people and that they should be in charge, not who is now. It's all just talk, there is nothing to worry about," he smiles and I know that he has overshared and that's his way of taking it back.

"Okay well thank you for the um... for the schedule," I say and he smiles and says that he will see me later.


I'm walking back to my room until someone grabs my arm and pulls me into yet another dark corridor. My thought process goes out of the window and I start swinging profusely at whoever grabbed me.

"What the hell... get off of me!" I shout into the darkness and I already know who it is.

"Calm down love, I just wanted to ask what my father spoke to you about," Colton says and I decide on messing with him a little. Two can play this game.

"Nothing you need to worry about," I smirk. I can't see him but I already can tell the face he is pulling right now; his eyebrows are drawn together and a frown set on his lips. It's too easy to get a rise out of him... it's like I don't even have to try and he gets annoyed just like that. Or maybe we share the same hatred for each other - we may finally have something in common.

"Why don't you just tell me and I won't get angry," I can already hear the anger in his voice and I scoff.

"Is that supposed to scare me?" I laugh. "Screw you," I push his chest but he doesn't move, he just places both hands on either side of my head. Through the darkness, I can see the emerald green of his eyes, which are both captivating and haunting. His lips press against my neck and inhale sharply. I am so engulfed in his lips against my skin that I don't realise he has taken the dagger from my waistband and is now holding it to my neck.

"How easily distracted you are... now tell me," I feel something warm dripping down my neck and my heart stops when I realise what it is. My breathing is so rapid that I can't even form a coherent sentence.

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