Chapter Forty-Five

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"You both need to be on high alert, especially in that part of town," Andrew says as Colton and I get ready to leave. "With the whole rebel situation as well, you can-" Colton cuts him off.

"I know... Rose will be fine and so will I, we're only going to see mother," Colton's eyes meet Andrew's and I decide on staying out of this one. Too many times I have gotten involved in things I shouldn't have.

"Just be careful..." Andrew says softly and I know he is only trying to be cautious. With some luck we will finally find out tonight if Mariah has sided with the rebels. I'm hoping that she hasn't and that this is all just one big misunderstanding but you know what they say about hope.

"And we will be," Colton sighs and places his hand on my back, pushing me forward. I scowl at him before giving his father a small smile. Andrew returns the gesture as we leave.

"Does anyone else know where we are going?" I ask as we walk down the silent corridor. My voice echoing off of the rocky walls. The only thing guiding us are small bulbs that barely give off any light.

"I spoke to Marco earlier and he rounded up as many people as he could to accompany us if anything goes wrong," Colton confirms and I sigh in relief.

At least that is one less thing to worry about.

"Are you okay? This is the first time you're seeing your mother in god knows how long," I ask gently and he takes a deep breath before responding.

"It's probably best if we don't get too carried away with emotions," he says coldly and I roll my eyes.

"If that's how you want to be then fine but I'm here to listen... always," I assure him and he nods as we approach the familiar door that leads to where the trucks are held. I can't help but be nervous about tonight. I'd be a fool not to be.

I can't imagine how Colton must be feeling. From the very minimal amount he has told me, I already know he's always had a strained relationship with his mother. This would be the last straw for him.

I don't understand how a woman could ever betray her family so horrendously.

"You ready?" Colton questions, his hand clasped around the door handle. No. I don't think I could ever be ready for this.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I breathe and he chuckles a little. Seriously? Now he choses to laugh.

The hinges groan as the door swings open, revealing the rows of trucks. Marco and his crew already suited and ready. Marco flashes his charming grin and I can't help but smile back. His smile quickly drops and I look over to the culprit.

If looks could kill then Marco would have dropped dead at an instant at the sight of the deep scowl etched onto Colton's face.

I hook my arm through Colton's. "It's probably best if we don't get too carried away with emotions," I mock him, using his own words against him.

I pat his arm, condescendingly, before walking towards the truck.

His arm wraps around my waist, stopping me in my tracks. Slowly, he leans down so only I can hear him. "You're walking on a fine line, my love," his husky voice sends a shiver running down my spine.

"Hurry up, lovebirds," Marco shouts and my head snaps in his direction, shooting him a glare.

"Watch it Marco," Colton warns, his voice low but threatening. Marco immediately looks away and I can't help but smirk. "Now where were we?" Colton says, his hand trailing lower.

I quickly rip his hand away from my body. "We were no where... let's go," I say, almost breathless from the contact.

"Fine," he huffs and walks around to the driver's side of the truck before getting in. I follow suit, climbing in with ease.

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