Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

When I get inside I want nothing more than to go straight to my confining bedroom, collapse onto my lumpy mattress and sleep, but with no such luck. My mother decides to make her grand entrance as she comes barrelling out of her office, almost ramming straight into me.

Hope flares inside me as I catch her wearing what I hope is a concerned expression."Where have you been, Lucy? Your friends have been calling the house all day and disturbing me while I'm trying to work." Of course my mother only cared about her work. I doubt she even noticed her one and only daughter had been missing for the past twelve hours. Wouldn't want to check up on her daughter and make sure she hadn't been mauled by a rapid animal.

I adjust my jacket to cover up the blood stained T-shirt hiding beneath its thick layer of fabric. "Whatever mom." I snap back in her direction and with nothing more to say, I brush past her and hurry down the hall.

I manage to keep my composure up until I cross through the threshold of my bedroom. With anger boiling through my veins, I slam the door shut behind me hard enough to shake the wall's foundation.

I grab my phone from where it had been forgotten on my nightstand table the night before and wait for the screen to light up. There is over twenty messages and phone calls waiting for me from Scott and Stiles. Each one wondering where I am. It's good to know that they didn't get killed last night.

Already exhausted, I send Stiles a small message explaining that I'm fine and I would fill him in on the rest later. Knowing that he'll pass the information onto Scott, I don't bother contacting anyone else.

Looking up at my alarm clock I realize that it is almost 9pm. I had almost slept through the whole day on Derek's slightly scorched couch. So I put on a comfortable pair of pajamas and pull my tangled blonde hair up into a loose ponytail. I was glad to get out of my dirt and blood soaked clothes. With the pain in my side faint, I almost forget to change the bandages for the bite on my side before I go to bed.

I slowly peel the bandage off the damaged skin, being careful not to re-open the cut. But when I pull the bandage off I'm left gasping in surprise. There's nothing there. Not a scratch or scar to mark where the animal had pierced its fangs into my skin. At first I think it's all in my head. After all, hallucinations are a common side effect of extreme blood loss. But even when I look closer at my side in the mirror, I still can't find one trace of a healing wound. The pain is completely gone and all I'm left with is the sickening feeling that something is seriously wrong with me. This is impossible. No one can heal that fast. With my skin perfectly untouched, I look as if I had never been attacked in the first place.

My first instinct is to call Derek and see if he can help me, but before I can weigh out the repercussions of telling someone about my medical murecal, my phone buzzes to life.

I pick the device up, only to hear Stiles frantic voice on the other side. "Lucy? Oh thank god! Are you okay?" Okay isn't the best definition to describe me right now.

"Stiles, I'm fine and look, I know you're mad that I got out of the Jeep last night but I was worried that you and Scott had been hurt." I bite my tongue and decide not to continue. I wasn't about to start ranting like a mad person about my magical healing abilities.

A sigh comes from the other end of the phone. "Lucy I'm not mad at you for being concerned about us. But what you did last night was more dangerous than you could ever think. The woods aren't safe right now." Something tells me Stiles knows more about the creature that attacked me in the woods then I thought. But if this boy has been keeping a secret like that hidden all this time, he wasn't about to tell a girl he barely knew.

"I'm glad you're safe, Stiles. I just- I have to go. I need to get some rest, but I'll see you at school tomorrow, right?" I ask.

"Of course you will." The phone goes quiet as Stiles pauses, "-and Lucy I'm glad your okay to." With his words left hanging in the air, he hangs up the phone.

What Stiles doesn't know is that I'm so far from okay. I was almost mauled to death by a mysterious creature last night and now, not one trace of the damage is there. The worst part of all, I feel like the people around me are lying, desperately trying to keep the monster in the woods a secret from me, from everyone. It doesn't help that my mother could care less about what happens to me. If it hadn't been for Derek finding me she would have never even have noticed that I was gone.

I crawl into bed, hoping that when I wake up tomorrow this will all be a bad dream. A nightmare I can finally wake up from.

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