Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

I'm startled awake to find I'm laying in my bed instead of on the kitchen's hardwood floor. I look up to find my mom sitting at my desk reading a book. "Hey I thought you would never wake up." She smiles making no move to shoot the very thing she's lived to hunt. So that's a good sign. "How did you figure it out?" I ask. "I lived with your dad for years and even though he never told me I figured it out eventually. When he finally left that's when he confirmed my suspicions." She says. "I also know you figured out my little secret." She continues. "I don't know what you mean?" I say dumbly. "Next time you take one of my weapons don't expect me not to find out." My mom says and I smile. She goes to speak but is interrupted by the sound of knocking on the door. "I wonder who that could be?" She whispers, leaving the room.

I hear my mom open the door but then she quickly tries to slam it with no luck. "How do you even have the nerve to show up here." She screams and I hear shots ring out. I quickly climb out of bed ignoring the pain in my side as I run down the hall. When I get into the kitchen I'm surprised to find my mom pointing a gun at Ethan.

"Those were warning shots, next time I'll shoot where it counts!" She warns and I can't help but feel proud before realizing she's going to shoot my possible future boyfriend. "Mom stop! He's not here to hurt us. We're actually really good friends." I say inching closer to the gun. "Lucy don't you know he's apart of your dads pack?" She says still keeping the gun pointed towards him. "He was but not anymore. He's on our side now." I say and she looks to Ethan and she sighs lowering the gun. "Don't make me regret not shooting you." She whispers to him as he walks in. "Wouldn't think of it!" He says with a little bit of fear in his eyes.

"You see this is what I get when I don't use your window." He whispers to me as we head back to my room. "How was I suppose to know she would try to blow your head off." I say. "Ya that was a lovely surprise, you could have told me your mom was a frigging werewolf hunter!" Ethan says. "What would be the fun in that?" I laugh laying down on my bed. "Well I'll let you two talk alone for a little bit." She says motioning for Ethan to come closer. "Your ok now but if you make any move towards that bed I'll shoot you without thinking twice! Got it?" She whispers in his ear and I can't help but laugh. Ethan nods in response and she walks out shutting the door. "I'm starting to think she's serious about shooting me." He says turning to me. "I wouldn't want to test her!" I warn.

"Anyway what did you really come here to talk about?" I ask. "Scott called me saying you got shot so I ran over to see if you were ok." He says coming to sit beside me on the bed. "I'm ok now thanks to the super werewolf healing. But I can't say the same for my dad when I get my hands on him." I say and Ethan laughs. "Well I'm just glad your safe." He smiles holding my hand. Before I can respond he leans in and kisses me.

I lean in and kiss him back ignoring the pain in my side. "Your mom is defiantly going to kill me now." He manages to say. "Good." I laugh as we continue to kiss. He pulls me on top of him knocking my lamp over in the process. But neither of us seem to notice as we continue to kiss. Suddenly the happiness is replaced by a familiar rage and everything turns red. I push away from Ethan and his eyes widen. "Lucy look at me what's wrong?" He asks "I...I don't know!" I say turning towards him. "Lucy your eyes their glowing green again." Ethan warns. "What, again?" I whisper trying to catch my breath. "This happened on the full moon the other night. Look you need to calm down and catch your breath." he says grabbing me by the shoulders. "I can't everything feels like its on fire!" I whisper.

The anger courses through my body and I scream out in pain, slamming my hand against the wall with enough force the plaster brakes. I can feel everything fading to the rage and I lash out at Ethan as he tries to hold me down. He recovers and keeps me pinned to the the bed. "Lucy you need to stop or I'll have to go call Scott to come help." He says. "Don't call Scott, I need you to call Stiles!" I manage to say. "What, how is he going to help you?" He asks and I try to speak but nothing comes out as my throat feels like its on fire. "I'm calling Scott." He whispers getting up but something snaps inside me and I grab his hand digging my claws into his hand. "Get Stiles now!" I scream.

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