Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I wake up shaking. Sweat beads down my forehead as I bite back a scream. After several minutes of gasping for breath, I finally come to my senses and calm down, realizing this was all just a bad dream. Stiles isn't really dead.

At least that's what I believe, until I lift the covers of my bed to find the fabric soaked in the crimson colour of blood. I desperately look for any cuts on my body that could have caused this, but find nothing. Not a single scratch. Which brings me to a horrible conclusion, this is not my blood.

One thought immediately crosses my mind, Oh my god, Stiles!

What if my graphic nightmare wasn't a dream? I use to sleepwalk as a child, I could have easily wandered out into the forest behind my house. The rage, the pain, it all felt too real.

Even though my alarm clock tells me it is the middle of the night and the sun is nowhere near rising, I force myself to call Stiles. If anyone had answers, it would be him. His ringtone chimes through the speakers and before I can stop myself, my eyes burn with fresh tears.

He picks up on the third ring. "Lucy, why are you calling me this late? Is everything okay?" Oh thank god, he is okay.

"I..I don't know." I let out a chorus of dry sobs, wiping away tear drops before they can leak down my face.

"Lucy stop crying, everything will be fine." he reassures me. "Now, can you tell me what happened?" Stiles asks, managing to keep his soothing tone steady.

"I was- I was having-" Panic seizes my throat and no words can come.

Stiles stays level headed, giving me the following instructions, "Hey listen to my voice. You need to calm down or you'll start to hyperventilate. The last thing you need to do right now is have a panic attack. Take big breaths, in and out."

I do as he says, gulping in the cool air, then breathing it back out. Eventually, I am able to find my voice again. "I was having a bad dream. I can't remember much, just flashes of red. But, when I woke up I found my bed covered in blood." I don't know how, but I can hear Stiles breathing pick up.

"Are you hurt?"

"No, the blood's not mine." I admit.

He let's out a small sigh. "Lucy, I want you to stay right where you are. I'll be right over." and with that he hangs up the phone.

Stiles is there in record time. I hear the tires of his Jeep screech to a halt outside my house and I pad quietly down the hall to open the front door before he has a chance to knock. The last thing I wanted to do tonight was try and explain to my mother why there was a boy sneaking around in our house.

I pull open the door to find a rather surprised Stiles with his hand raised in the air.

"How did you hear... wait, never mind." I ignore his comment and gesture for him to follow my lead as I show him the way to my room, making sure not to wake up my mother in the process.

When the two of us are safely back in my room and the bedroom door is locked, I show him the soaked sheets. Exhausted, I sit down on the floor and let my back rest against the wall as I await an answer.

The boy turns to peer down at me through the darkness and I glance away, unable to bare seeing the look he must have plastered across his face. I try as hard as I can not to cry again, knowing it will only make me feel weaker then I already am. But with my emotions on end, I eventually give in and begin to sob.

Stiles continues to stay silent as he sits himself down beside me on the carpeted floor. His quite approach to the situation is starting to scare me. I don't think Stiles has ever gone this long without saying a single word. But sometimes a gesture can speak louder then words, when he wraps his arms around my shivering body.

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