Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

I'm walking down the halls of Beacon Hills but have no idea where I'm going. Suddenly I ram into someone and my books scatter as they send me on the floor. I try to pick them up but the bell rings and people flood the halls kicking a book out of my grasp every time I reach for it. There's to many bodies banging into me as I try to walk and I'm pushed into a locker, with enough force there's spots at the edge of my vision. Just then the mob parts and I can see Stiles walk towards me wearing the Beatles t-shirt he had on the first day I met him. Then as he starts to pick up my books I realize it is exactly what happened the first day. "Hi my names Stiles." He says sweetly and before I can even tell him I already know that, he leans in to kiss me and I close my eyes but we never meet. Instead I open my eyes to find the crowded halls replaced by the familiar trees of the reserve. I turn around but Stiles has disappeared along with the school and I'm left alone in the clearing. To the right I hear the bushes shuffle and I turn to see Ethan leaning against a tree. "What are you doing here?" I ask or better yet why am I doing here? "I'm here because you want me here." He says casually walking towards me. "But also because I love you." He says leaning in to kiss me but someone speaks behind me and I whip around to see Stiles standing at the other end of the clearing. "Lucy I love you too." He says coming closer. "So which one is it Lucy, which one do you love back?" Ethan asks. "I...I don't know." I stutter. "So you string us along using whoever, whenever you feel like it?" Stiles says suddenly in my ear and I turn to Stiles. But it's not the Stiles I know, he has glowing green eyes just like mine. "You know that's not true I would never do that to you guys!" I yell at him. "If you really cared for us then you would choose!" Ethan whispers in my ear and chills run down my spine. I turn back coming face to face with a green eyed Ethan. "You guys both have green eyes!" I say backing up into a tree.

They both laugh coming closer "If you don't choose then this is going to happen." Stiles says. "What's going to happen?" I yell but they disappear before I can get a answer. Suddenly a scream comes from somewhere far off in the forest and I run towards it recognizing the voice. I'm getting closer when more screams join into the chorus of screeching. The screams finally stops as I'm running up to the first body. I start crying even before I can make out its my mom as her glossy, fogged over eyes stare off into the distance long since become lifeless.

I lift my eyes away from her lifeless corpse only to find more bodies lying in the clearing. I don't have to look long enough to recognize the faces of only some of my friends. Stiles, Scott, Ethan, Allison and Isaac are only a few of them. I can't understand what could have done this until I look down to find my nails caked with blood. Not just any blood though the blood of all the people I've ever cared for is on my hands. This must have been what Stiles and Ethan were warning me about but I don't understand how choosing one of them would stop me from becoming a murder. The worst part is staring down at what I just did I feel unbearable pain and remorse but under all that, part of me still enjoyed it and that's what scares me the most. Stiles might be right about me becoming a murder but I don't think I can be helped no matter how hard he tries. If I don't get away from here, soon everyone I've ever cared for is going to die at my own hands.

Suddenly Stiles is standing beside me instead of on the ground dead. He looks at me with his unnaturally glowing green eyes. "So now you see your only going to hurt yourself if you don't let us help you." He says. "Do you even know if I can be helped?" I yell. "Honestly I don't know." Stiles whispers. "Then I need to leave before something like this happens." I say showing him my bloody hands. "You need to stop running away from your problems and face them for once." He says looking into my eyes. "But if I do then someone's going to end up getting killed and that someone could be you!" I cry out. "If that's what it takes for you to be ok, then yes I probably will. At least that's better than all these people dying." He yells. "Your not Stiles, who are you?" but he doesn't respond instead he disappears and the forest starts to fade as I realize he's right, no matter how this ends I won't be able to stop people from dying unless I end this now. That's my final thought as everything goes dark again.

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