Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

After my conversation with Derek I go home with even more questions then I started with. When I get home I unlock the door to find my mom, Scott, Stiles, and Allison of all people sitting on the couch. "What's everyone doing here?" I ask the relieved faces. Instead of responding they get up and Stiles runs to hug me but my mom gets there first. "We thought you were missing or worse when no one could find you!" She says frantically. I know if I tell them what really happened I'll have to tell my mom the full story including me being a werewolf and I don't think I'm ready to do that. Knowing my dad it will only put her in more danger than she already is. "I was at Lydia's picking up some homework and we were just hanging out for a few hours." I say as I look to Allison who catches on to my lie and nods. "Next time call because we all were worried sick about you." I'm starting to like this new side of my mom even if she's yelling at me half the time at least we're communicating more. She leaves and goes to her office and I wait until I'm sure she's out of hearing distance before talking. "I'm so glad you guys are here." I let out with a sigh. "What happened to you?" Scott asks. "Long story short Ethan drugged me, my dads a werewolf that wants me in his pack, and I beat up Aiden." They sit there in shock. "How is it possible for a beta to over power a alpha?" Allison says with curiosity and a tone of warning. "That's what I would like to know!" I say knowing none of them will have the answer. "The good thing is that your here and your safe." Stiles says comfortingly. Scott goes to speak but I'm distracted with the sound of glass breaking from down the hall. "Did you guys hear that?" Scott looks at me. "What are you taking about I didn't hear anything?" That can't be the sound was so loud and Scott has super hearing how am I the only one that heard it? Then a loud scream comes from the office that can only be my moms. Even Stiles and Allison hear it this time and we rush down the hall.

When I get to my moms office I kick open the door only to find the windows smashed. So that's what the breaking sound I heard was. Looking around the office I realize my mom isn't anywhere to be found and I catch the familiar sent of Ethan. "Crap he took her!" I yell to myself. "Who took your mom Lucy?" Stiles asks. "My dad got Ethan to take her!" I say practically crying now. "Why would your dad want to take her?" Scott says trying to get me to look at him. "He said that if I don't kill Derek and join the pack then he's going to kill all of you starting with my mom!" I say on the verge of tears. "Well we need to go get her before she gets hurt then!" Allison says finally speaking up. "We will once we can figure out where she is and Allison you and Stiles should just go home ok." Allison glares at Scott clearly not going to listen to what he just said. "Scott you know you can't keep me from going." She says stubbornly. "She's right Scott we need her and I think I know where they took my mom." I interrupt them. "We need to go right now." Allison says and we head for the front door. I stop when Stiles starts to follow. "Stiles you can't come with us it's to dangerous!" I say pleadingly. "Lucy's right you need to sit this one out Stiles." Scott says. "No I'm not going to just sit here while my friends walk to their certain death I'm going and that's final!" He commands and starts to walk to his car. Knowing there's only one way to keep Stiles from getting involved I look at Scott and he nods almost as if he knows what I'm thinking. I walk up to Stiles and look him in the eye. "Stiles you understand I care for you right and I can't bare to see you get hurt?" I ask. "Yes of course and you know I care for you to that's why I can't stand back and watch you get hurt." He says stubbornly and I know what I have to do. "Then you'll understand that what I'm about to do is for your own protection. I'm so sorry Stiles." Before he can react I rear back my hand and hit him in the head with enough force to knock him out cold.

Hopefully doing that doesn't effect our relationship but if Stiles died I don't know what I would do with myself. When I'm with him I feel like I'm grounded and safe, I guess that's what Derek meant by anchor. We get in Scott's car and he drives to the warehouse I was only at hours ago. I look back at Allison in the backseat. "Allison there's only one problem with you coming how are you going to protect yourself?" I say and hear Scott laugh in response. "Oh I think she's got that covered." He says as Allison pulls a crossbow from her bag and flips it open with a click. "I'll be fine." She smiles and I have a feeling this isn't her first time in these kind of situations.

We arrive at the warehouse quickly and shut the lights of the car off so we could at least try to have the element of surprise. I take the lead weaving in and out of rooms but after covering half the perimeter o the building we find nothing. "Something isn't right!" I say even though we're all thinking it. "You don't think they don't already know we're here, it's like their playing with us." Allison whispers. We nod and continue to search. After a while I start to hear faint foot steps in the distance and I turn to Scott but he doesn't seem to notice the noise. I hear the footsteps pick up now coming at us from all angles but Scott makes no move to show he hears them. I decide to take action. "Scott someone's to your left!" I yell and he turns around just in time to block a attack from the girl that ripped my blindfold of earlier today. "Scott watch she's not wearing shoes for a reason watch out for her claws!" I scream and hear more footsteps coming. "Allison behind you coming fast!" I say and she turns around and on instinct sends a arrow straight into Aiden chest but he gets back up refusing to be beat up by two girls in one day. While they fight I can hear someone in the shadows and I move away from Scott and Allison knowing I need to take him down. Sure enough when I come around the corner Ethan's there looking surprised that I could even hear him but he makes no attempt to attack. "What are you waiting for come at me?" I say confidently and he sighs. "Is that really who you think I am that I enjoy hurting you because I don't." Ethan says quietly. "Your joking right I mean since we've met you've bit me, cut me, turn people against me, oh and let's not forget drugging me a few hours ago." I say keeping my senses open incase this is just a distraction. "Do you think I wanted to do all those things because that was all your dad ideas and if we don't do as he says he won't think twice about killing us." He says and I sit there silently. "Where's my mom!" I finally say. "She's down the hall in the same room you were just in." He says and I know he's been told to tell me that so I won't miss the horrors that await. As I go to leave he grabs my arm. "Lucy wait you can't go in there your not safe!" He says gripping my hand harder. "Since when do you care about my safety and if my moms in there I'll do anything to safe her. She's the only family I have left." I finish and go to walk away but he keeps going. "Look I know it's hard to trust me after everything I've done but Lucy I'm begging you not to go in there for your own safety and your moms!" He says. "All you care about is adding another number to the pack so drop the act!" I yell fed up with the nice act. "Lucy look at me and listen to my heartbeat. I care about you more than some stupid number, more than you'll ever know and I can't see you go in there knowing what's about to happen. I won't be able to live with myself if this happens the way your dad has planned and if you still don't believe me then I understand. But if thats not enough to get you to believe I care for you then just know one thing your Dad never asked me to kiss you."

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