Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

"Lucy call the police your moms gone insane!" My dad yells at me. "Sorry dad but I think you of all people would know this is to much for a cop to grasp." I say quoting his own words he said to me once. "Lucy, sweetie just go in the other room." My mom say casually still keeping the gun pointed at him. "No way, if your going to finally blow his brains out I want to be the one to see it." I say sounding like a kid on Christmas and possibly a little bit crazy but he's been ruining my life for far to long. It had to happen eventually because if my mom wouldn't do it, it was only a short time before I would. My mom loosens her grip on the gun a little in surprise of what I just said and Dad doesn't waste anytime. He slaps the gun out of her hands and I watch as it skids across the floor only inches from where I'm standing.

I dive for the gun but I'm not fast enough and my dad gets there first picking it up. He doesn't hesitate as he turns around and points the gun at my Mom. "Now no one else try anything stupid!" He warns and my mom stops moving. "Just let Lucy go she's not apart of this!" She pleads. "She's more apart of this then you'll ever know." He says. I know if I don't do something he's going to shoot my mom and unlike me she's not going to heal. "Lately you've been getting to involved and now your messing up my plans. People and especially hunters that get in my way usually end up dead, so why should I treat you any different." He says raising the gun at her and I watch in horror as he pulls back the trigger.

I hear the shot ring out and when I open my eyes I'm surprised to find my mom alive, perfectly unharmed, and screaming my name but I can't make much of what she's saying. I go to move and feel a sharp pain in my right side. Lowering my hand to where there's pain, I pull it away to find blood smearing my hands and my shirt. My dad didn't shoot my mom he shot me instead. I can't hear anything at this point and everything I look at is to bright and unnatural. The room starts to spin and I can feel my legs give out on me as I hit the floor. My mom comes running to my side with my dad nowhere insight, probably already taken off like the true coward he is. My mom continues to scream stuff at me but I can't hear a thing. I imagine she's saying something around the lines of stay with me or don't die which is great advice except I can already feel my eyes closing. I'm just falling asleep when my mom slaps me across the face to stay awake. I try my best thinking of any possible reasons why I'm not healing but I'm barely able to think over the pounding of my heart.

She runs to her office and quickly comes back with a familiar small wooden box. She opens the lid to reveal the special wolfsbane filled bullets that Scott told me about. So thats why I'm not healing and then as it dawns on me panic starts to set in, I'm going to die! She pulls a bullet out and cuts it in half, dumping the powder into a bowl. She walks over and sits down beside me and after minutes past she finally gets the bullet out of my side. Then she does something I wasn't expecting, she takes a handful of the gun powder and rubs it into my wound. Every thing goes black and I scream out in pain as the wolfsbane spreads through the cut like acid.

But then everything stops and the pain fades away. I look up at my mom who breaths a sigh of relief. I can feel my body shutting down and before I black out I manage to choke out a few words. "How did you know?" I ask and as I close my eyes I hear her whisper. "I lived with a werewolf for over half my life, you don't think I don't know one when I see one." She responds and I manage to smile as the world fades away.

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