Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

 The shock crosses my face and before anyone has a chance to move, I am gone, racing through the forest. I ignore the shouts from Scott and Stiles, refusing to look back no matter what. I am not going to stop running until I am as far away from Beacon Hills as possible.

Despite being skeptical at first, I truly believed Derek had saved my life. When all along, he had been the wolf in sheep's clothing, attacking while I was weak and leaving me to bleed to death.

I run until I can't run anymore. Out of breath and miles away from any civilization, I have long since shifted back. Exhausted and disoriented by the shocking revelation, I sit down beside a large Oak tree and without so much of a warning, I start to cry. I feel disgusted by myself for breaking down, but there is nothing I can do to stop. I sob and cry until there is no tears left to let out and in the process, I only managed to tire myself out. I fall into a deep sleep as the leafs scattered across the ground begin to rustle in the wind.

I wake up to find myself sprawled across a rather small couch, with the smell of fresh coffee replacing the stench of dirt and undergrowth of the hard forest floor. I scramble to my feet, ready to flee at the first sign of danger.

Through the door walks a boy no older then me, dressed casually in a pair of ripped jeans and a navy blue t-shirt. His messy brown hair sticks out at odd angles from sleeping and his dark green eyes gleam in the morning light. The boy has a charming smile and prominent cheekbones that frame his jaw line.

Looking into his clear emerald eyes, I can sense something is different about him, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is. Too busy trying to find the answers I needed in his facial expression, I don't notice he's holding out a cup of coffee to me.

"I figured you could use something to warm yourself up after a long night out in the cold." He speaks in a rather soothing voice.

I take the mug, knowing my craving for coffee is much stronger than my instincts at the moment. My curiosity wasn't going to be satisfied as easily, though. "Who are you?"

His lips curl back into another deceitful grin. "My names Isaac."

Being new to the town, I had never heard of Isaac, let alone seen him around school. "How did you find me? I was too far out in the woods for anyone to just stumble across me?" I ask him, cautiously awaiting an answer.

He looks at me as if I should already know the answer myself. "Well, you're defiantly not an easy wolf to track down, I'll tell you that. But Derek wanted to make sure you got home safely after everything that happened. By the way, sleeping out in the freezing cold is a good way to die of hypothermia." he acts as if he is only being helpful. Like, I hadn't just clued into the fact that he was a werewolf and probably bitten by Derek as well.

My eyes widen in surprise and before I can even think of fleeing for the door, Isaac is there, blocking my only exit. "Lucy, calm down. Neither Derek or I want to hurt you. He is only trying to help you reach your full potential." Isaac reaches out to put his hand on my shoulder, but I am faster, grabbing his wrist and twisting it backwards. He yelps out in pain and using that as a distraction, I make a run for the door. But Isaac recovers quicker than I would have predicted and bringing out his claws, the boy digs his fingers into my shoulder. I am yanked back onto the couch in one swift motion.

The full moon was long gone, yet I can't stop myself when my body begins to convulse. Unable to stop the rage from bubbling up inside of me, I shift without warning. I barely have time to witness my fingernails lengthening into sharp talons before Isaac has me pinned down against the sofa cushions. I snarl and snap at the boy like a wild animal, but I am unable to free myself from his grasp.

"Listen to me, Lucy. You need to take deep breaths and slow your heart rate down." Although his tone wasn't nearly as comforting as Stiles when he gave me similar advice, I try my best to shift back.

Feeling fully in control of what I'm doing for the first time since being bitten, I do as he says and after several minutes of breathing in and out, I listen as my heartbeat returns to normal. "Thanks, I feel much better."

Despite my reassuring comment, Isaac continues to stare. "I heard your heartbeat slow. Why haven't you shifted back?" he asks.

Unfortunately, Isaac is right. I catch my reflection in the panel of a nearby window and look in horror at my distorted face and eyes as they glow their luminescent yellow.

"But I feel fine. Why am I not changing back?"

Starting to panic I look to Isaac for help, but judging by the look on his face, he was just as confused as I am. "I don't know- but I think I may know someone that will."

"Who is it?" I ask, eager for any kind of solution.

Isaac lets out a frustrated sigh. "If I tell you who it is, you're not going to like what I'm about to do."

I bore into him with pleading eyes. "Just tell me." I practically beg.

He chooses to stay silent until the moment he's dialing his phone. "It's Derek."

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