Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

I spend the night with Stiles and in the morning he gives me a ride to my house. "Do you want me to wait out here for you? I can give you a ride to school." He says. "No it's ok nothing is worth waiting that long for me to get ready for school, you know hair, makeup and other things. Could take hours." He laughs. "Well ok see you at lunch. Oh and Lucy do I have the right now to brag to people that we're dating?" I look at him. "Ya sure go ahead rub it in Scott's face but to be warned he might just beat you up with his werewolf powers." Stiles smiles. "Scott's not my only friend you know, I'm also apart of a online role playing game that battles mythical creatures." I laugh. "Of course you are."

After Stiles leaves I go inside only to find a note on the counter from my mom saying she left early for work which is odd since she never bothers to tell me where she's going but after the hug yesterday anything is possible. I get ready for school and I'm eating cereal when someone knocks on the door. I open it to see Ethan standing on my door step. "What do you want now? Can't I just eat cereal without you threatening me for once?" He laughs. Nothing good ever comes when he laughs. "As much as I would love to unfortunately I have strict orders to bring you to meet someone." Now it's my turn to laugh. "Well that's great that you guys want to give me another one of your encouraging speeches but I'm not going, so goodbye." I try to slam the door but he pushes it back open. "That's funny you thought you had a choice now either you come with me or we'll be forced to take you." Just then I notice Aiden standing behind him. "I'm not scared of you or your twin bodyguard because this neighborhood is packed with people and even if you managed to get me out of this house I'll kick and scream, which will defiantly cause people to notice and something tells me you wouldn't want that would you?" I say. "We figured you would try something like that so we came prepared." Ethan lunges at me but I'm quicker and dodge his attack easily but before I have the chance to turn around and face him he jabs a needle of some sort into my neck.

At first I feel nothing and just sit there rubbing my neck but then it happens. Whatever I was injected with I can feel it running through my veins causing my vision to blur and I start to feel like the room is spinning. I try to stay standing up, acting like its not effecting me but my legs give out from under me like I have no control over them. I fall to the ground but I am unable to get up let alone barely move a finger. Soon I can feel my eyelids dropping and I try to stay awake. "Don't fight it." Ethan whispers in my ear. Even though my mind doesn't want to give up, my body does and I soon drift off.

I wake up to darkness and at first all I can tell is that I'm in a dark room but I can feel a blindfold over my eyes. Great so first Ethan stabs me now he drugs me and blindfolds me, this has to be a new all time low for him. I'm not alone though I can hear people whisper as they realize I'm awake but I can't make out one word probably because the drug hasn't worn off yet. Someone comes over and rips the blindfold off my head along with a chunk of my hair. When my eyes adjust I see a girl towering above me with long brown hair and brown eyes. Just the way she looks at me tells me she's a force to be reckoned with her claws out. The weird part is she's not wearing any shoes and now looking down at her bare feet I can see she has claws there too. I hope I don't have toe claws that would be so bad for a pedicure. I try to speak to ask the girl her name or even where I am but nothing more comes out then a squeak thanks to Ethan's drugs. I can make out Ethan in the background to busy talking to his brother to notice I'm awake. I try to get up in hopes that I can get out of here before anyone notices but someone tied my hands and legs with rope, so there's no way I'm going anywhere anytime soon.

At one point Ethan notices I'm awake and walks over smiling. "Did you have a nice sleep?" I glare at him and barely manage to speak. "Where am I?" I ask. "The alpha packs secret hangout. You like it?" He says. "Are you going to tell me why I'm here and by the way when I get out of here I'm so going to kill you!" I yell the last part finally regaining my voice. "You can try but right now you can't and I say we start where we last left off." Ethan says as he leans into kiss me but remembering the 5 minutes of combat training Scott tried to teach me the other day I don't let him get anywhere near my lips. As he closes in I smile and head butt him right in the head causing him to fly back, crying out in pain. All the heads in the pack turn to me, some with looks of amazement that a Beta could take down a alpha only using her head but others give me looks of warning telling me not to challenge them again. Ethan gets up and starts to walk towards me but someone in the back of the room tells him to stop. "Ethan that's enough!" Instead of Ethan continuing to walk towards me, he starts to back up. Clearly he's not the real alpha of this pack.

I can't see the man that spoke at first because he stands in the shadows but as he steps out I gasp in surprise. The man in his late forties has short brown hair and green eyes the exact same colour as mine. At first I think it's the lighting in the room playing tricks on me but when he speaks I have no doubt the man standing in front of me is my dad.

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