Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

My eyes snap open as the last of the medication finally wears off. I struggle with the binds on my wrist but they only tighten as the wolfsbane burns into my flesh. I blink away the tears that form in my eyes as I look around to find the alpha pack, staring down at me. "Well look who's awake." Aiden says bending down in front of me. "Where's Stiles?" I manage to whisper as my voice comes out horse but he doesn't answer, just steps out of the way. When he does, I feel relieved to see Stiles still in the same condition as he was before as they throw him to the ground beside me. "Make one move towards her and I'll kill you!" The man I remember as Ennis says, kicking Stiles with his foot but Stiles just snorts. "Like I haven't heard that a hundred times already today." Well at least he hasn't lost his sense of humor. Obviously Ennis has had to deal with his attitude all day because instead of making any move towards Stiles, he just rolls his eyes and walks away. Once Ennis is gone, Stiles smiles at me and leans in to my ear. "Lucy are you ok?" He whispers and I nod. "What are they waiting for? They have me now." I ask but he just shrugs his shoulder. "I don know but whatever it is can't possibly make things worse then they already are." Stiles had a point but unfortunately Ennis overheard. "Shut up or I'll come over there and make you myself." He threatens and Stiles laughs. "You think you can get me to stop talking? Ha, I would like to see you try." He says sarcastically and I'm shocked. I'm just about to ask him what the hell he's trying to do to himself, when he glances towards something out in the distance. I follow Stiles gaze to a patch of trees and see a flash of long brown hair and a crossbow dash by. I realize its Allison as she motions for us to get Ennis out into the open. So that's why Stiles was antagonizing him, he was trying to draw Ennis closer and I can't help but smile as he continues to use his sarcasm to his advantage. "That's what I thought, your all just talk, I bet you couldn't even fight me if my hands were tied behind my back and I was blindfolded." Stiles shouts taunting him. "That's ok, I'll just beat you to a pulp right now without the blindfold or rope." Ennis growls coming towards us. "Well ok, but your only making it harder for yourself!" Stiles warns and that's the last straw for Ennis as he lunges at us but he never has the chance to get there as a arrow soars through the air, in-lodging itself in his shoulder. He cries out in pain as another one goes into his knee and he falls to the ground screaming.

It doesn't take long before the rest of the pack realizes they have company and they start to stalk towards the three of us. "Please tell me someone else came with you?" Stiles panics. "Of course, I'm not a idiot." Allison whispers cutting the rope around my wrists just as Isaac and Scott come bounding out of the forest toward us. There's no time for Scott to yell at me for leaving him back at the house to go alone, so he only nods to me then run's towards the closest attacking alpha. In a matter of minutes we've all joined into the fight but as I look around there's no sign of Derek anywhere. Without him, we're done in numbers and it's obvious we're loosing badly as the real fight hasn't even begun yet. I keep fighting anyone that comes at me or Stiles but its no use, even with the experience Scott and Isaac have on me they aren't in any better condition, bloody and bruised as I watch them loosing their own battles. Isaac is the first to fall as Aiden throws him into a nearby tree with enough force to break bones. I abandon my attempt to help out in the fight and rush to his side as he struggles to get up holding his hand limp at his side. "Isaac are you ok? Do you think you can keep fighting?" I ask and he tries to move but winces as he continues to grip his arm. "Ya I think he only broke my arm but I'll heal, you just need to buy me a few minutes." He says even though we both know this might not last that long. I stand guarding Isaac as Aiden rushes at me. I deflect one of his punches and duck under to claw at his chest but I don't have the chance to make contact as he grips my hair in his hands yanking me up into the air. I dangle there helplessly as pain shoots through my scalp and by the triumphant smile on Aiden's face I know he's finally found my disadvantage. "Not the best time to be a girl now is it?" He laughs but I only smile. Fine if he wants to resort back to fighting like we're in preschool then I can't say I didn't warn him. "Not a such good time to be a guy either!" I warn and still dangling in the air, I prop my foot back and kick him right in between the legs, where the sun don't shine. He immediately drops my hair and I go sprawling onto the ground as he bends over, doubled with pain. "What are you, three years old?" He manages to say through the pain. "Says the man who was pulling my hair, everyone knows that's a low blow." I say as I raise my fist, punching him in the face before he has the chance to recover. Aiden falls to the ground unresponsive allowing me a few minutes to help the others.

Even with Aiden out of the fight we're still loosing. Isaac's arm had healed but the pain slowed him down making it harder for him to dodge the attacks that seem to come one after another. I was helping him defend Ennis when out of the corner of my eye I could see my dad standing in the shadows, just outside of the clearing. He was making no attempt to participate in the fight or even support his own pack instead he kept his eyes trained on me. I move towards him but he only fades deeper into the shadows and I'm unable to find him as I run out into the bushes. Just as I'm retreating back into the clearing I can hear a faint whistle as something comes soaring threw the air towards me. I react fast catching what seems to be a fine tipped arrow right before it can hit its target. I look around for the attacker but I'm surprised to find my mom instead as she steps out of the bushes holding a crossbow. "Lucy I'm so sorry, I didn't realize it was you until it was to late!" She says frantically. "It's ok but what are you doing here I thought I told you not to come?" I ask as another man steps out of of the bush along with a few others, all holding guns or crossbows. "And I thought I told you not to go alone, besides I wasn't just going to sit back and watch you guys get your asses kicked so I brought in back up." She says motioning to group of what I'm assuming are hunters forming around her. "Lucy I would like you to meet Mr.Argent." She says looking at a man who I can easily see is Allison's dad just by looking at the intensity that hides beneath his crystal blue eyes. "As much as I would love to sit here and tell you about myself, we need to move because it doesn't look like you guys are doing to well." He says and I nod as they run into the clearing. I recognize only a few of the hunters from that day in the woods when one of them almost shot me and if it wasn't for Derek they probably would have to. I watch as they join into the fight evening out our chances with the alphas but there's still no sign of Derek or my dad anywhere. Just as I'm about to go help Allison who is having a hard time fighting off Ethan all by herself I start to think. We are all here fighting each other but for what reason. At first it was to get Stiles back but now as I sit back and watch everyone fighting I realize we're not fighting because we want to, we're fighting because my dads wants us to and the only person who has yet to come help is Derek. It was never truly me they wanted to show up it was Derek and they knew that even if I came alone, my pack would soon follow after. This whole time they were counting on me bring company because Stiles was only the diversion to why my dad really brought me here.

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