Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

"I thought if I came to your house, you would never think to look here." I let out a sigh as I lay down on his bed. "You obviously thought wrong. Now are you going to tell me why you ran away in the first place." He asks sitting down beside me. "I needed to clear my head and after what happened today I just wanted to be alone." I say. "There's more your not telling me, what was so bad it caused you to have a panic attack?" Stiles asks looking up at me and I sigh again giving up. "While I was out cold, I had a dream but it felt more like the nightmare of a future reality. All of the people I have ever cared for were dead at my feet because of the green eyed murderer I'v started to become." I say as tears start to form at the corner of my eyes. "Ok so, it was just dream. Lucy I know you and you would never intentionally try to kill me or anybody else." He's says intertwining his figures with mine and I'm to tired to pull away as he continues to hold my hand.

"Well Stiles I'm begging you to help me stop this then because you don't know what it feels like to want to kill your best friend. The whole time I was attacking you it wasn't like the last time where I didn't remember, I was enjoying seeing you in pain and a part of me still does." I say as tears stream down my face. "Well some people find joy with babies and cute little puppies, you find joy trying to kill people. Everyone has their thing." He laughs trying to cheer me up. "This isn't funny Stiles! What if I can't get helped, or what if it gets to out of control and you might have to kill me?" I yell frustrated. "I'll will do whatever it takes to make sure that doesn't happen." Stiles assures me. "But what if it does?" I ask pushing him for answers. "Then we'll deal with it when the time comes." He responds calmly. "Stiles I need to know if I get out of hand that you and only you will be the one to kill me." I say because truthfully if anyone's going to kill me, I want it to be Stiles. "Are you seriously asking me to be the one to put you down if you turn into a wild dog?" He yells at me and I nod, showing him I'm dead serious. "No I'm not going to do it! I can't believe you would even ask me to do a thing like that." He says turning away but I grab him by the shoulders making him face me. "Promise me, you will or I'll do it myself because there's no one else I trust to do it more than you." I say looking at him. "What about Eden?" He asks with a hint of sarcasm but I keep a straight face as I answer him. "No only you." I say with pleading eyes. "Lucy why?" He asks breaking down. "Just promise!" I beg and he sighs, looking away. "Fine I'll do it but try to make sure it doesn't have to come to that!" He warns me and I start laughing. "What is so funny?" Stiles asks me. "Was that a death threat?" I say laughing even though I know it's really not a good time to be joking. "You are unbelievable you know that, I'll probably have to kill you and you might think that's fine and all that after your dead everything will be ok. But it won't be because Lucy, death doesn't happen to the people who die, it happens to all the people around you. They're the ones that have to suffer not you, so if you want to sign your death wish go ahead but try to remember that your not the only one that's going to end up dead in the end. Just think about how your moms going to feel when your dead, how your the only one she has left." He pauses before finishing. "Most of all think about how I'm going to feel." He says getting up and walking out of the room.

I sit there speechless with no reasonable response to what Stiles just said and the more I sit there and think about it, the more I realize he's right. I never thought about it that way but I remember when my dad left, my mom might as well have been dead the way she walked around with a far off gaze and acted as if everything had no meaning. I can't be the one to do that to her again especially now that she's just starting to get better. I finally got my mom back, I can't loose her again and she can't afford to loose me. I walk downstairs to go find Stiles and apologize for what I said but he doesn't seem to be anywhere. I pull out my phone and dial his number only to hear it ringing from out in the hallway. I walk towards the ringing and end the call when I find his phone laying on the ground next to the front door. At first I think he might have just dropped it storming out of the house but then I look up to find the door propped open. Getting a closer look I realize the lock on the door had been broken by someone who really wanted in. Someone with enough strength and motivation that could break the door down with their own two hands and take Stiles knowing it would get to me. I run into the kitchen and find claw marks on the floor but their different markings, almost as if it was someone's foot dragging across the floor and that's when I realize there's only one person who has claws like that. I quickly pull out my phone and dial Scott. I don't have to wait long as he picks up on the second ring almost as if he was waiting for me to call. "Lucy what is it, are you ok?" He asks right away. "Yes I'm fine but its Stiles, someone's taken him and I think I know who!" I say waiting for a response. "Where are you?" He finally asks. "At Stiles place. Can you come get me?" I ask. "Ya I'll be there in two." He says immediately hanging up and I have no choice but to wait.

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