Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"What the hell are you doing here?" I yell. "Watch your mouth that's no way to talk to your father." He says and I laugh to cut the silence short. "Your not my father, you haven't been since the day you walked out on mom and I!" He sighs. "As much as I would love to be having a conversation about the lack of my parental skills I brought you here for a different reason." That's when I start to clue in. "So your the one that got Ethan to drug me! You know I can call the cops for attempt to kidnap and drugging?" I say. " Yes I wasn't aware of that and I promise it won't happen again but I think you of all people would know this kind of stuff is to much for a cop to grasp." He looks at me. "What do you mean?" I ask confused. "I never wanted to leave you guys but I had to because what's a wolf without a pack." My life has seriously come to this. "Your saying the reason you left us was because your a werewolf and you needed a pack?" I say sarcastically. "It might sound ridiculous but yes. Lucy do you know what Mordre means in French?" He asks. "No French has never been my best subject but I guess you weren't around to know that!" He rolls eyes. "It means Bite." I laugh again as if this is some big joke but I know it's not. "Well the irony of this is just perfect." I say and Ethan snorts somewhere in the back of the room. "Well you see the gene has been past down through my family for generations." He says. "Then why did I have to be mauled and bit in the middle of the forest to become one when I should have been born one like Derek?" I ask hoping to get some answers. "That has everything to do with your mother, I did always say you took after her in more ways than one." I listen to his banter all the while trying to figure out how I'm going to get out of here. "Great so now that you've told me your little back story why am I here?" I say finally fed up with his nice act. "I'm sure Ethan has already informed you that we want you to join the pack and to do that we need you to kill Derek." He says with ease as if its no big deal that he's asking his daughter to commit murder. "Ya well that's not happening so if we're done here I need to go." I say. "I didn't want to do this to you but if you don't choose to do this then we will be forced to make you no matter what it takes. Even if it means putting the people you love in danger." He says the last part without hesitation. "So your saying that if I don't do what Daddy tells me to your going to kill the people I love including mom?" I say sarcastically. "I'm a little fed up with your sarcastic tone!" He yells. "And I'm a little fed up with everybody asking me to kill people!" I shoot back. "Look I will do whatever it takes to get you in this pack even if it means killing your own mother." I always thought my dad loved his family before he left but obviously I'm just another number to him now.

I look at him with complete shock and instead of saying another word I walk to the door, the only sound made in the room is the heels of my boots on the floor. As I get to the door Aiden steps in front of me and grabs me by the arm hard enough to leave bruises. Before anyone can finish telling him to let me go I feel the anger of what just happen boil up inside me but instead of shifting I channel all that anger like Derek taught me and I twist his arm back with enough force to brake something causing him to cry out in pain. Then before he has the chance to make the next move I kick his legs out from under him sending him on the ground and I bring my hard heeled boot down on his stomach. No one makes a move to stop me and I know I should stop but after everything they've done to me this is the closest I'm ever going to get to revenge. Aiden recovers and even though he's a alpha I know I can beat him with this new found sense of power. As he gets up and runs at me I realize no one is coming to stop me partly because their in shock or they want to see Aiden beat the crap out of me but I won't give them the satisfaction. He jumps at me but I grab him by the neck and before he can stop me I punch him square in the face causing him to slump to the floor unconscious.

After realizing what I just did I look up to see everyone is staring at me with complete disbelieve on their faces. I smile at them and even give a little smirk to my Dad as I walk out the door feeling pretty good about myself. When I get out of the run down warehouse I realize its actually a short distance to my house. As I walk everything that just happen finally starts to sink in and deep in thought I don't realize what's going on until its to late. Someone clamps their hand over my mouth and at first I think it's Ethan or another member of the pack coming to get me back but when I go to scream a familiar voice whispers in my ear. "Calm down Lucy it's just me." I turn around to face Derek. "Derek? What are you doing here?" I say still a little shaken from everything. "Stiles called me a few hours ago saying that your mom couldn't find you so I went over to the house to find a scent of drugs in the air and I knew something bad had happened. So I followed your sent to the warehouse down the street just in time to see you kick some ass." He says. "Derek you saw and I know your thinking the same thing, how was it even possible for me to do that to Aiden considering he's a alpha?" He looks up at me. "You channeled your anger just the way I showed you that's all." He says as he starts to walk away. "Did you just lie to me because I think I heard your heart skip a beat?" I say and he turns around. "So maybe you were good in there, so what Lucy you have enough to deal without having to worry about this." He yells. "You saw what I didn't in there it was something more than that, I took down a alpha without even breaking a sweat. Derek there's something your not telling me!" I say hoping for answers. "Maybe it was a adrenaline rush either way you should just forget about it." I know better than that, what happened there was not luck I felt that rush of power and there's a reason my dad wanted me to join the pack being so desperate he would kill his own ex wife. As he walks away I ask "Derek what am I?" and without him turning around I hear him whisper "I don't know."

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