Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Hello, Lucy." Stiles smirks and I know right then and there that I have been caught red handed.

"Hey Stiles, I didn't see you there. How are things?"

He laughs in response. "Don't play dumb with me. We both know you were running away from Scott back there." Stiles takes a small step forward, closing in on what little space was between us. "What are you not telling us Lucy?"

I am truly taken back by the boy's dark tone. I have never seen Stiles this serious before. "Nothing is wrong, Stiles. I'm just a little overwhelmed by what happened the other day."

Stiles stares at me for a moment before answering, "I know you're not telling me the whole story. What happened after you came looking for us in the woods?" Does he know about the wolf?

"Nothing happened." I repeat, struggling to keep my voice steady. "I couldn't find you guys, so I went home." Technically, I wasn't completely lying to the boy.

Stiles narrows his eyes in my direction. "Lucy, just stop. Scott and I know you're lying." Not wanting to give myself away, I keep my face clean of emotion as he continues, "I called your house twice that night and both times your mom told me you weren't home. Now, tell me the truth. Did you or did you not get attacked in the woods the other night?" he asks.

I know I have to tell Stiles the truth and maybe, if I come clean he might even be able to help me. "Okay- okay something happened. Something I haven't even begun to understand. You'll never believe me if I tell you."

"Lucy, I have lived in this town my whole life. Trust me when I tell you, nothing will surprise me at this point."

His comforting voice persuades me to continue with my story. "I was attacked by some kind of animal. It was too dark to see much, but I think it was a wolf. The same one that cornered us at the edge of the woods." Stiles eyes widen in fear. "I got away with a minor bite mark and a few bruises. I'll be fine." I hope this is reassuring enough to put the boy's mind at ease.

Stiles lets out a frustrated sigh and scratches his head. "It bit you?" his voice trembles with each word. "Now, I want you to tell me exactly what this wolf looked like!"

So, I describe in exact detail what the creature looked like, right down to the blood dripping from its razor sharp fangs. I tell Stiles about how the wolf threw me to the ground and dug its claws into my ankles. That is when the creature went in for the kill, burying its teeth into my side. I leave out the part about Derek finding me in a pool of blood.

Stiles stands silently for the longest time and just when I think he's not going to respond, the boy finally speaks, "I just wish you had of told me, instead of lying. Can you at least show me your cut, so I can see if you need stitches?" asks Stiles.

"No really, I'm fine. The wound already healed." Stiles eyes widen until they are practically bulging out of his head and I immediately regret my words.

"What?" He screams.

I lift up my shirt to reveal the unmarked skin. Instead of being relieved that I'm not seriously injured, Stiles face shows nothing but concern. "Oh Lucy, this isn't good-this is not good." He paces the length of the alley in a state of despair. "Have you been experiencing anything out of the ordinary lately, like advanced hearing or strength?"

If I hadn't experienced these symptoms myself, I may have been concerned for Stiles mental state. Without considering what the reasonable answer could be, the words spill from my mouth. "Yes, but it's probably just an adrenaline rush. I'll be fine."

Stiles lets out a sigh "No it's not, don't you get that? You are not fine, Lucy! You were bit by a wolf and not just any wolf, an alpha!" Stiles was clearly panicking by this point. His hands shake uncontrollably and his bottom lip quivers.

"Did you just say an alpha wolf bit me? Stiles I don't think-"

He cuts me off mid-sentence, "Don't." Stiles puts his hand up to stop me from interrupting. "Don't tell me that I'm crazy. Just hear me out for one second and I can explain everything. You were bit by a strange creature and now, you're turning."

There's that phrase again. "Turning into what, Stiles? What are you taking about?" I ask.

He hesitates before speaking, "A werewolf, Lucy. You're turning into a werewolf."

Now it is my turn to laugh at him in disbelieve. "A werewolf, Stiles? You have got to be kidding me, you're seriously wasting my time with this crap?" I practically yell.

"I'm not joking. Scott said the same thing when I confronted him, but he eventually accepted what he was. At least, not before trying to kill me." He could not be serious. Unfortunately, in all the days I had known Stiles, never had he looked so determined, solemn.

"Oh so what, now Scott's a werewolf to?"

Stiles looks at me pleadingly, begging me to understand his crazy explanation. "Please Lucy, just listen to me. The full moon is tomorrow and if you don't begin to accept what you are, someone could end up getting hurt- or worse, killed."

This was not happening to me right now. I refuse to believe my life has turned into an episode of the twilight zone. "Stiles I don't have time for this, I have to go." I leave him alone in the alley and ignore any further shouts from the boy. I jog the whole way home, desperately trying to take my mind off the inevitable.

I wish I had never came to this bizarre town. I wish I had never met Stiles Stilinski.

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