Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

He makes no hesitation to harm me in anyway as he bends down in front of me and that's when I know I'm truly in trouble. Ethan's struggles to get free of the pack but its no use, they have him pinned to the ground. I try desperately to get up, afraid of what's going to happen next but every time I even lift my head everything starts to spins. I give up looking into my dads cold, dark eyes refusing to show weakness. But he doesn't speak instead his eyes glow that familiar blood red that I've grown to really hate. I finally look away as he lets out a howl like nothing I've ever heard before. It hits a frequency so high my ears start to ring and I cover my ears. Then suddenly he stops and leans away from me smiling. At first nothing happens and finally I think he was only howling to call more of the pack but then it happens. The pain starts out small in the back of my head easily mistaken for another one of the headache I'd been having all day but then waves of pain start to shoot through my body worse then anything I had gone through in the past few months. Everything feels like its on fire including the ground and I bash and scream for someone to help but the pain continues to spread through my body. Off in the distance I can hear someone else screaming out but for some reason I can't remember who it is. I try to think through the pain but as hard as I try I can't remember anything not even why I came here or who's causing me this pain. Under all the pain I start to feel anger rising up inside of me and before I can control it, I shift. Immediately the pain stops but the anger grows stronger. There are people around me but none of them matter and I run away looking for the man making me this outraged and causing me all this pain.

I catch his scent and follow it until I find the man in a clearing leaning over some boy still screaming and thrashing trying to fight the pain. The guy looks up at me with bright green eyes that quickly flash a glowing red colour and I think back remembering right before the pain started all I could see was those eyes piercing down at me. I don't hesitate anymore and run at him with only one intention, to kill him no matter what it takes. I'm so close when the boy who was only moments ago on the floor in agony recovers and pulls me away. He makes no further attempt to hit me and I use that to my advantage kicking his feet out from under him, bringing his head down hard. As the kid starts to recover I head for the guy knowing I have to kill him now while I still have the chance. Even though he's a alpha I over power him and as he goes to punch I grab his hand, crushing it in my grip. He's faster then I think though and jumps up kicking at me but I dodge the attack barely and use that leverage to hit him hard in the stomach. I pounce on him with my claws out ready to finish what I came here to do. I can here the kid I fought earlier trying to talk to me but I'm to caught up in the red haze unable to make out a word, only caring about the kill. Suddenly another man emerges from the forest running through the clearing right towards me. He screams at me but I can make any of it out and as he gets closer my instincts kick in. I growl in response guarding my kill but then the man does something I didn't expect.

He finally reaches me and instead of fighting, he kisses me. The wolf in me tries to pull away but the man keeps me locked in his grasp. But then I stop fighting it and as the red haze fades away I realize I'm not just kissing any man, I'm kissing Ethan. My head spins as the wolf tries to take back over and I pull away trying to fight him off. "Lucy listen I know you can hear me! You need to stop yourself from killing Derek! This isn't your anger towards him it's your dads and your doing exactly what he wants you to do!" It all comes back to me the man I was trying to kill was Derek and those evil red eyes were really my dads. I can feel the wolf taking over again and instead of going for Derek this time I try channeling my anger into something else. I lunge at Ethan and do the one thing I know will make all this stop. I kiss him back and Ethan's so surprised he falls back onto ground. Eventually I come to my senses and pull away realizing what I just did. I let a tear run down my face as I look up at Ethan then turn away. "I need to go guys I'll see you tomorrow..." I say without looking at anyone I walk home but none of the guys try to chase after me. At one point on my way home it starts to pour but I keeping walking in the pouring rain knowing that the drops will mask my true tears.

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