Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

School isn't any easier today. Every sound is still amplified and worst of all, every time I went to write with a pencil in class this morning it broke, because I was pressing down too hard. Super strength isn't all it's cracked up to be.

What worries me the most is my emotional state. Stiles said all my usual senses and feelings will be heightened because of the full moon tonight.

When I was walking through the halls today it felt as if everyone's emotions were fighting for the same space as my own. After a while it was hard to tell what emotions were really mine. But one thing is certain, the rage that I felt in my dream last night is still there, waiting to surface at any moment. Especially today of all days, where the simplest of things could set my anger off. I had to be careful.

Stiles keeps to his word, helping me make it through the day without an incident. He calms me down when I get mad and strikes up conversation to take my mind off what is coming. Scott does his best to help out as well, since he has experienced first hand what I'm going through. He assures me that after a few full moons I'll learn how to control the spiked emotion and constant feeling of being angry. Sadly, I have a hard time believing Scott when he looks to be just as irritated as I am.

When the final school bell rings, I rush out the front doors and in the midst of dodging stray bodies, I break into a fast stride. I follow the address Stiles sent to my smartphone and arrive at his house several minutes later.

The two story home is lined with old bricks and a small wooden porch that greets you at the front of the house. I walk up the steps, cringing as the planks of wood creak under my feet. I awkwardly knock on the cracked frame of the door and wait for it to open.

Truthfully, I am quite nervous around Stiles. He is the closest thing I have ever had to a boyfriend and I don't want to screw it up.

There is the sound of feet pounding down a flight of stairs and then a slightly sweaty Stiles answer's the door. Knowing we have limited time before the sun goes down, he tells me to follow him down to the basement.

The room looks like a regular basement should, with cracked cement floors and boxes full of neglected objects. Except for the industrial chains that are bolted to the ground in every corner and the pile of deadbolts plastered down the length of the door.

Stiles can see me eyeing the room with a look of fear. "Sorry, I can't take any chances. After what happened during Scott's first full moon, I've learned that the more chains, the better."

"Well these next few hours should be fun," I think to myself.

Turns out, it takes quiet a long time to chain someone up. After Stiles manages to click the last lock into place, the sun is already setting. I test the strength of the chains and thankfully, they keep me pinned securely to the ground, with little room to move. Through the small window at the top of the room I can see darkness beginning to seep into the sky.

My enhanced hearing picks up on the sound of the front door being unlocked upstairs. "Is that your dad?" I ask Stiles, craning my head to get a glimpse of him standing next to the door.

"No, that is our backup plan."

Soon after, Scott comes bounding down the stairs. "I'm here-I'm here." he pants.

"Where have you been? The moon's coming up." Stiles asks, panic clipping the edge of his voice.

"I know. I just got held up at the hospital. It's nothing." Every inch of Scott's tone suggests there was much more to the story than nothing.

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