Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

Time seems to slow down as what I just did finally sets in and I stare down at my dad's lifeless corpse. The sudden rush of power I feel is to much as my head feels like its going to explode. My eyes burn with a new kind of fire causing everything to spin as I hit the ground. I can't feel anything but more and more power coursing through my veins like I've drank a hundred red bulls at once. I know what's coming next but I can't control myself at all this time as I stumble towards Derek, snarling. He growls back half heartedly at a attempt to get me to back down but I don't and that causes him to step forward. I can see it in his eyes though, he's afraid to hurt me. I push him into a tree and he recovers fast coming towards me but before either of us can make the next move, a loud click comes from behind me stoping us both. I turn slowly to find Stiles fumbling with a gun he had hidden in his waistband but between the blood loss and the fact that he's probably never used one outside of his computer, it shakes uncontrollably in his hands as he tries to aim it properly. Alarms go off in my head as every instinct of the wolf tells me to get rid of the threat standing in front of me. It would be so easy, he's already slowly dying from the deep cut on his side and we both know it, so I would only be speeding up the process. Even as this idea comes into my mind, I know I'm not thinking straight and its the power talking as I move away from Derek setting my eyes on Stiles instead. I break out of my trances long enough to realize there's only one logical thing he can do. "Stiles do it shoot, I'm begging you just shoot!" I plead but it barely comes out as more then a snarl. "Lucy no..." He whisper with the gun still being held limply in his grasp and I move closer to him barring my fangs. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Peter returning to the edge of the shadows ready to step in at any moment. "I can feel myself slipping, so shoot while you still have the chance!" I yell but he only shakes his head. "Shoot!" I scream at him but he lowers the gun in protest. "No!" He says and I can feel myself going even though tears start to well in my eyes. "You promised!" I meant to scream but it came out more of a whisper and I bound towards him as I let out a fierce howl, taken over fully by the wolf.

Stiles winces as I jump on top of him, dragging my claws across his cheek. I lift my lips off my fangs and bend down to his neck. If I bite him there's a good chance he would live and become one of us, then he would finally understand how I feel and what its like to be a slave to the moon every month. I scrape my fangs across his neck and listen as his heart rate speeds up from fear and panic. I've made up my mind and I rear back my jaw ready to sink my teeth into his flesh when something moves out of the corner of my eye and I see Peter running towards me. I don't react fast enough as he waste no time sinking his claws into my stomached, throwing me off Stiles and onto the hard forest floor. I immediately feel myself shift back as the power I felt from before is gone as fast as it had came. I start coughing up blood while holding my hand to my stomach, trying to stop whats left off it as it pores from my side. Derek runs to me and starts to shouts out commands to Peter that I can't hear as he try's to keep me from closing my eyes. But as much as I try to fight it, I know it's no use and I finally give up as everything starts fades to the darkness that surounds me.

I know I'm dead when the white light finally appears in front of me and as much as I try not to look at it, the blinding beam pierces through my eyes even when I try to close them. For the longest time I can't see anything but whiteness but suddenly someone appears through the thick haze and walks towards me. At first I think it might be someone I know but as the stranger gets closer I realize its a girl around my age, maybe even a year or two older. She has long brown hair that cuts off at her waist and piercing blue eyes that almost stare into your soul with a cold glance. There is something about her that seems so familiar though, just by the way she smiles at me with such caring but under all that I knew she was strong and powerful, someone you don't want to mess with. She moves with such grace it's beautiful but there's also stealth in the movement that makes her silent as she comes closer. She stops only inches away from my face and a heavy sent of lilac and lemons hits me. I don't know what it is about this girl but I feel like I can trust her so I step closer. "Am I dead?" I ask but she only smiles bigger and laughs. "No not yet." She says as her voice comes out smooth and calming. "Then why am I here?" I ask hoping she can answer some of my questions. "Your here because I needed to talk to you." She reassures me. There's something about her that I just can't place my finger on that's different. "Who are you?" I finally ask the girl for her name and at first she doesn't respond but then giving me another wide, charming smile she answers. "My name is Laura Hale."

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