Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"Don't you dare call Derek. Can't you see, he's ruined our lives?" I struggle to free myself from Isaac's steel grip.

Isaac shifts his attention away for his cell phone, momentarily. "He didn't ruin my life, he saved it." The boy's gaze grows distant, but he recovers before I can become too suspicious. "Besides, we both know you need help to learn how to control this and Derek is the only teacher." Ending the argument, he dials the number and waits for Derek to pick up.

Several minutes later, Derek pulls up to Isaac's house in his black Camaro and bursts through the front door. He marches across the room, looking quite angry. "What the hell happened? I thought I told you to find her and make sure she stayed safe?"

The two begin to argue as if I'm not even in the room. "I did, but she figured out what I was and tried to leave. You said to keep her here and I panicked. Lucy didn't react well to my confrontation and before I could stop her, she shifted. I managed to calm her down and her heart rate returned to normal, but she still hasn't shift back." Isaac rambles on.

"Did you ever think to explain the situation to her?" Derek asks.

Isaac pauses, "Well no, but she wasn't about to trust me if I brought your name up."

Unable to take their arguing anymore, I yell in frustration, "She is standing right here!"

Finally the two notice my presence.

"She doesn't sound calm to me." Derek says, snidely. He cautiously makes his way over to the couch and bends down in front of me.

I refuse to make eye contact with him, afraid of what I might see. "Lucy, look at me. I can practically smell the rage coming off you." Derek points out.

Stubbornly, I meet his green eyes with a scowl. "But Isaac and I listened to my heart rate slow. Why haven't I shifted back yet?"

He continues to hold my stare. "Even though your heart rate slowed, that doesn't mean the anger is gone. I can still feel an unnatural anger towards me-" he stops, taking in a deep breath. "But it's not just me, is it? No, it's your mother ignoring you. It's Stiles and Scott not telling you the truth soon enough, and most of all, it is you hating yourself for turning into this."

Sadly, I know Derek is right. "So, you want me to resolve the problems with the people that caused this- in order to get rid of my anger?" I ask.

"No, I want you to channel your anger by finding an anchor." Derek's response not only confuses me but leaves Isaac looking quizzical as well.

With the silence between us thickening, Isaac speaks up, "What is an anchor?"

Derek's intense stare softens as he speaks directly to me, "An anchor is someone or something that can bring you back even in your darkest moments. By thinking about someone that you truly care for, it helps you channel the anger and shift back."

I spend what feels like a good hour trying to draw on a reasonable anchor, but with no luck. At one point I think about my mother and father, but instead of shifting back my rage seems to get worse.

"Lucy, you need to calm down. Your heart rate is picking back up." Derek warns. "Try thinking about someone you truly care for- someone you couldn't bare to see get hurt."

Only one person comes to mind. Stiles- the only guy who stopped to help me when no one else would. The guy with the warm brown eyes that kisses sent shock waves through my body. I can feel my claws retracting, my eyes dimming to their ordinary shade of green, but almost as quickly had I thought I was recovering, I shift again.

"It was working. Why haven't I shifted back?" I ask with a hitch in my voice.

Isaac looks to Derek for answers. "Maybe it takes time to find your anchor." He says with a questionable tone, causing Derek to sigh.

"Lucy has found her anchor. She just needs to link the connection through anger."

I glance in Derek's direction, letting my eyes migrate towards his ten o'clock shadow, rather than his piercing glare. "How am I suppose to do that?"

A smile crosses Derek's face. "Give me your phone I have a idea."

I do not trust Derek, but I give him my phone without question, knowing he is- for some reason going to help me. Derek dials a number I can't make out from where I'm standing, but when the person picks up there is no mistaking the voice for Stiles.

Enhanced hearing, just another wonderful perks of being a werewolf. A perk I hadn't learned how to control yet.

"Hey Lucy, I was worried something had happened to you." his reassuring tone projects through the speakers. But I was hardly reassured by Derek's plan. What does he want with Stiles?

"Stiles, it's Derek. I-" Derek barely has time to form a sentence before Stiles cuts him off.

"Derek, what the hell have you done with her? I swear to god, if you hurt her I will-I will inflict mental pain on you. I don't know how, but I will." Oh Stiles you are not very threatening.

"She is fine." Derek snaps. "Look, I need you to come over to Isaac's right away. We need your help with something." his odd tone doesn't seem to raise any warning signs for Stiles.

The boy laughs "Never would have thought the big bad wolf would need my help. I'll be right over."

Derek hangs up the phone with a devious smile beginning to form on the edge of his lips. This can't be good!

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