Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

My eyes snap open as I gasp for air, once again staring up at my bedroom ceiling. Ethan jumps up from the chair he was sitting in next to me and runs to my side. I can't seem to catch my breath and only a wheeze manages to escape my lips. Ethan starts to panic when he finally realizes I can't breathe and calls out for Stiles to come help. "Stiles get in here she's not breathing!" He continues to yell shaking me until Stiles stumbles into the room with his backpack. Everything is starting to go fuzzy by the time Stiles grabs something from his bag and runs over to me. "Breathe in!" He commands pressing cold metal to my lips and I do what he says, immediately feeling air rush into my lungs. I cough as everything starts to come back into focus and Stiles pulls the contraption away from me. I realize the thing he gave me was actually a inhaler. "So what I have asthma now?" I cough. "No it's happened with Scott before, you were having a panic attack and I was able to stop it by making you think you were having a asthma attack." He says and I nod as if it makes total sense. "I'll go make some coffee, you look like you could use it." Stiles says walking out to the kitchen. "What caused you to panic like that?" Ethan asks sitting down on the bed next to me. I consider telling him about what happened in my dream but I have a feeling if I don't do something soon, its going to end up becoming reality and I'm not ready to face the facts let alone tell Ethan. "I don't know, you hit me and suddenly everything went dark." I say trying to stick as close to the truth as I could without him catching onto the lie. "Ya I was hoping you wouldn't remember that part." He says pausing. "How much of it do you remember?" He asks. "It's not like the last time, I remember everything but it didn't feel real, more like a really bad dream I couldn't wait to wake up from." I say and he nods. "Lucy don't blame yourself for this, it's not your fault." He says putting his hands on my shoulder, trying to make me feel better but I shrug him off. "No your wrong, this is all my fault. Everything has been my fault from the day I walked into that forest even after I was warned of the dangers that awaited. When I attacked you guys that wasn't the wolf it was me, green eyes and all. I was going to hurt you or worse if you hadn't stopped me! Don't you get it, everything that is happening is because of me. People are going to die if this doesn't stop now!" I yell at him. "Lucy you can't..." He doesn't get the chance to finish as I cut him off. "Just stop ok it's been a long day and I just really need some coffee." I say hoping he'll leave so I can be alone for a minute. "Ya sure I'll go see if Stiles is done making some." He says getting up and walking out of the room.

I know I'm not going to get a chance like this to be alone again for a while so I move quickly. The only way I can keep the people I care for save is by leaving but the problem is for how long. I grab my jacket and I'm just about to leave when I knock over a pile of clothes sitting on my dresser along with my Beatles T-shirt. The very same shirt Stiles has that he wore on the first day I met him and in my dream last night. I pick it up and throw it on the bed unable to handle all the memories of the day that came with it. I can hear footsteps coming so I quickly open the window and jump out, then I start running and don't stop until I get to the one place no one will ever think to look for me. Ironically that one place is Stiles house, I mean none of them would think to look for me in plain sight let alone in his own house. Knowing Stiles he'll probably stay at Scott's tonight buying me a day or two to figure out what to do.

I climb in through the bedroom window he forgot to lock and sit down beside his bed, just incase someone walks through the door and sees me. I honestly don't know what I'm doing here, running away from my problems again. Maybe I'm just to afraid to finally face the truth of what a monster I've become. I'm deep in thought when I hear a door click shut from downstairs and soon footsteps follow after towards Stiles room. I duck my head in hopes that whoever it is won't see me as they enter the room. "Lucy I know your here." A familiar face says from the doorway but I refuse to move. "I understand your upset and think everything's is all your fault and you have ever right to think what you want but running and hiding from the truth isn't going to make it any better." I finally give in knowing he's right and I lift my head to look up at Stiles. "How did you know I'd be here?" I ask and he smiles holding up my Beatles T-shirt I had left laying on the bed back at my house. "Just a lucky guess."

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