Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

"Scott drive me to the reserve!" I demand when we're both finally sitting back in the car. "No Lucy I'm not just going to let you walk in there and get yourself killed. We need to meet up with Derek and Isaac at your house and come up with a plan." Scott says refusing as he starts the car and heads back towards my house. "Lives are in danger Scott and a plan isn't going to do any good. I should just go alone like they asked before they have the chance to hurt them." I say hoping he'll turn the car around but with no such luck, he keeps on driving as we come to my street. "I'm not arguing with you about this, if you go in there alone unprotected your just asking for them to kill you." He finishes as we pull up to my house. There's no other cars in the driveway but as we walk up to the door I can see Derek and Isaac are already sitting in my living room through the window. I pull a spare key out from under the mat and listen as the door opens with a click. I walk in to find my mom at the kitchen counter talking to Isaas, and even Derek is trying to make conversation which surprises both me and Scott. "So did you guys get my text." Scott asks walking past me into the kitchen. "Ya, got any ideas of what we should do." Isaac asks us. "No I was hoping you or Derek would know" Scott says with a hint of disappointment in his voice. "You know what you should do, let me go alone like they asked so I can get Stiles and Ethan back safely." I yell and all the heads in the room turn towards me. "Don't be stupid!" Isaac shouts back. "Wait Lucy does have a point no matter what we decide to do, she's still has to go in alone." Derek finally speaks up. "You cant be serious, she could get herself killed!" Scott says surprised by Derek's response to the situation. "I don't want her to go alone either but sitting here and arguing about it isn't going to change the fact that we all know in the end she's right. This is one thing she's just going to have to do on her own." He says looking at me. "Derek's right, let her go." I hear my mom whisper and I turn to see tears streaming down her face as she stands at the counter.

The room goes silent as Scott turns to to look me straight in the eye. "I don't care if your right or not I've already lost one friend tonight I'm not going to loose another. Either we all go or none of us go." He say stubbornly and I sigh knowing this can only turn out badly for everyone no matter what. "Fine but we need to go because we're wasting to much time!" I say giving up on fighting with him because I know I won't win. "If you guys are all planning on getting sent to your death then I guess your going to need some help doing it." My mom says wiping tears away from her face and motioning for us to follow her to her office but I run ahead of her, stopping her in her tracks. "Mom I can't let you come, it's to dangerous!" I say shuttering at the possibility of loosing her but she only rolls her eyes at me. "Lucy this is what I do for a living, trust me I know what I'm doing." She says pushing past me into her office and I have no choice but to follow the rest of the guys into the room with her. "Ok so clearly your claws in this fight might not be able to cut it so it wouldn't hurt to bring in some good old fashioned fire arms for help." She says loading a gun with a round of wolfsbane bullets and handing it to Isaac. "Try not to shoot yourself with it ok?" She's says and he nods a little afraid to speak up as he watches her load another gun, clicking the clip into place. "I've also taken the liberty of calling the Argents in for backup because at this point we could use all the help we can get." She says pulling out a crossbow from her closet and even Derek seems impressed. "I thought you were a lawyer?" Isaac asks confused as he continues to stare down at the gun in his hands. "I am a lawyer, but every girl's got to have her hobbies to keep her busy." My mom says laughing and Isaac smiles clearly in aw. "So what's the plan? We're all just going to walk in there and hope they don't notice?" I ask. "She has a point." Isaac says leaning against the mahogany desk. "If she goes in there first, alone like they asked and they've scoped the area making sure its clear, then that's when we can run in and put them down for good." Derek explains forming the closest thing we're going to get to a plan. But it still doesn't give Stiles and Ethan a good chance of getting out of there alive. I can't go through with something unless I know for sure I'm not going to end up loosing them. There's only one way I can make sure that wont happen again, I have to go in alone.

"So it's settled then, we leave as soon as everyone has their weapons and while you guys finish up here, I'm going to call them back to make sure they know I'm still coming and nothing has happened to Stiles and Ethan." I say heading towards the door in hopes of getting out of there before someone has the chance to stop me. "Ok but be careful about what you say and hurry back." Scott says with a hint of compassion in his voice but under all that, his hard brown eyes look at me with warning, almost as if I walk out that door and don't come back, he won't ever forgive me for it. But unfortunately I have no choice, its the only way to keep him and everyone else safe from the alpha pack and in the end, myself. I head down the hall to my room because with all the supernatural hearing or not in this house, I have a better chance of sneaking out through the window more than the front door. I quickly unlock the latch and cringe at the sound the window makes as I lift it up. I know I need to act fast before someone in the house realizes its to quiet, so I fling myself out the window and into the nearest tree being careful not to land in the front yard right in front of my moms office window. I scale the ruff bark and land on my neighbors lawn barely making a sound. I hesitate only for a second as I remember the way Scott stared at me, almost begging me not to go through with this, even though in the end he knew there was nothing he could do to stop me, and with that I've made up my mind as I take off running towards the reserve. With every second that passes as I run, I'm one step closer to getting Stiles and Ethan back. I'm one step closer to finally ending this.

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