Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

But Scott's isn't alone. Another howl comes after stronger and louder than the last. I know right away it can only be one person, Ethan and sure enough their there in record time running in. I'm barley able to lift my head but I can make out Scott and Ethan standing over me. "Ethan we need to get those wires off her side!" Scott commands obviously had experience with this situation before. Ethan walks over and gently pulls the wires off my body cutting off the electrical current and I fall forwards out of exhaustion. Then Scott snaps the chains holding me up and I fall into Ethan's arms. "Lucy are you ok?" He asks and I go to respond but I'm cut off by the sight of Ennis coming up behind him. I try to warn Ethan but my voice has long since given out and I sit there in horror as Ennis raises his claws. At the last second Scott comes up behind Ennis and hits him so hard he crumples to the ground. "Now we're even." Scott says to Ethan referring to what happened the other night. "We need to get out of here guys, I can hear my dad coming back!" I whisper and without questioning they nod. Just as we make it to the door my legs give out from under me and I go sprawling on the floor but wasting no time Ethan grabs me and slings me over his shoulder.

My head spins as they run for what seems like hours through the forest and just when I think we're almost out of the reserve Ethan and Scott stop. So abruptly my head slams into Ethan's back causing everything to go black for a second. As my vision returns I can make out someone coming from the hidden protection of the trees. At first I think it might be one of my dads alpha lackeys but when the scent hits me with a powerful punch, I realize it could only be Derek. "What are you doing here?" Scott asks. "I got a text from Lucy saying she was in trouble so I got Stiles to trace the cell to my old house." But that doesn't make sense my dad took my phone. Then I realize I know why it was so easy for them to find me and why my dad only had one person guarding me. He wanted me to get out knowing that if he used my phone to text Derek, he would come looking for me. Giving my dad the chance he's finally been looking for to finish off Derek once and for all. I try to speak but my voice is still barely loud enough for anyone to hear. Luckily Ethan does and lets go of me to stand up. "What is it Lucy?" Ethan asks me and my voice comes out as whisper but everyone hears it. "It's a trap!"

"What do you mean a trap?" Derek asks looking into my eyes. "It was my dads plan all along. He was going to bring you here thinking you were saving me but really I was going to have to kill you." I say regaining my voice. "She's right we need to get you out of here Derek!" Scott warns. "He'll be fine it's not like my dad can make me kill him." As I say this everyone looks at me. "Lucy you don't get it alphas have the power to persuade in ways you could never understand!" Scott yells. "So then shouldn't that put all you guys in danger too?" I ask. "It won't have a effect on other alphas and Scott will be able to resist since he's almost alpha himself. You on the other hand are a newly bitten beta who's barely able to control it yet, so your dads going to use that to his advantage!" Derek informs me. "Derek's right Lucy, we need to get out of here now! Like right now!" Ethan yells hearing the footsteps behind us, and without any further argument we all take off running. "We need to get Lucy as far away from the reserve as possible! She's to vulnerable if she gets close enough to that pack." Ethan screams as we run. I've regained my feet but I'm still a little slower than the rest and as we run I start to fall behind. Ethan notices I'm slowing down and signals for the rest of them to go on ahead.

He rushes over to me and is about to pull me over his shoulder again when all of a sudden something slams him to the side. Whatever it was it's going to fast for me to see it. I try to fight the creature off but in the state I'm in its obvious, I'm no match for whoever this is. Ethan get's up and tries to help me but he is only flung harder into a nearby tree. He tries to get up but as he does the alpha pack steps out from the shadows and I can see my dad coming out of the forest straight towards me. Right then I know Ethan's to late to save me.

The Untold Story Of A Beta (Teen Wolf)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora