Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The sun had long since gone away as I walk through the woods, unsure of how I even got here. One thing is certain though, I'm being followed. But every time I turn around there is only a glimpse of a shadow fading off into the darkness.

Suddenly, a loud crash echo's from far off in the reserve's forest. Birds take off into the night and criquets fall silent as the chaos sends me into a state of panic. I turn to run and almost collide with Stiles as he stands directly in front of me, still looking furious from our earlier conversation.

"Stiles, what are you doing here?" I ask, my voice filled with confusion.

He pears at me through the dark with his head tilted at an odd angle. "If your not going to believe me, then I'm going to make you see what a monster you have become!" Stiles yells, straining his voice.

For some reason I know this isn't the real Stiles by the way he looks at me with pure disgust and hatred.

The boy takes his time walking towards me. A chill creeps into the air and I find myself backing up in fear of what he is going to do next.

Without the slightest warning, Stiles reaches out and pushes me with a force of inhuman strength. I am thrown off my feet and sent crashing into the trunk of a nearby Oak tree. Pain radiated down my spine and I have to shake splinters of wood from my tangled hair.

If there's one thing I have learned about Stiles, it's that he would much rather talk someone to death than fight them.

I try to steady myself, but he strikes again. This time the force comes down hard enough to knock me to the ground. The foul taste of dirt fills my mouth and scattered stones dig into the palm of my hands.

Left vulnerable and dazed, I'm not prepared for what comes next. I don't have time to protect myself. Stiles grabs me by the hair and in one swift motion, he cracks my head against the ground. The pain is unbearable as my head aches from the impact. But under all the pain I feel anger beginning to build. My thoughts fill with rage towards Stiles and before I know what's happening, my breath quickens and my vision blurs. My hands start to tingle and I look down to see my fingernails lengthening into claws. I feel a sharp pain run along the roof of my mouth as something cuts into my bottom lip. I run my tongue across the edge of my jagged teeth, only to realize that they have elongated into sharp points.

All the while, I feel a burning sensation spreading through my eyes as my vision blurs in and out of focus. The weirdest part of all, I'm not even concerned about the claws and fangs. All I can think about in this very moment is killing Stiles.

Deep down, I know I don't want to kill Stiles, but I'm over come by a blind rage and the satisfying thought of getting back at him for hurting me. A warning burns in the back of my mind, but I ignore my conscience and leap at Stiles. I collide with the boy, sending him crashing onto the forest floor. I swing my claws at him with only one thought going through my mind. It's not that I have to kill the boy anymore, I want to kill him.

In a struggle of flailing limbs and pleading cries, Stiles manages to shove me off him and break into a sprint. But that's his first mistake. Letting my instincts guide me, I chase after him. I find myself running on all fours and in several long strides, I have easily caught up to him.

Grabbing him by the ankle, I drag Stiles across the ground. All the while, he screams out for help. Finally, I have him pinned to the ground and stand over Stiles trembling body as he panics. Not ready to give up, he rears back and punches me hard in the face. I howl out in pain and resist the urge to rub my throbbing nose. I manage to recover quickly and grab him by the front of his shirt.

As I look into his terrified brown eyes, the boy opens his mouth to speak, "You are nothing but a monster!" he snarls.

In response, I let out a low growl and lifting the boy by the fabric of his shirt, I throw him at the nearest tree. He hits the trunk too hard and there is a sickening snap upon impact as he crumples to the ground. As Stiles lays motionless, I feel myself calming down and as my breathing slows, I shift back.

I collapse, trying to catch my breath. My head pounds with a growing headache as I try to remember the events that just took place. I felt rage and then everything went black.

I can make out the outline of Stiles body laying sprawled across the ground and the past few minutes come flooding back to me in a wave of emotion.

I sprint over to Stiles and frantically shake his limp body, but the boy won't respond. I probably just knocked him unconscious. Judging by the unnatural angle Stiles neck is bent at, I know he's not just sleeping. I press my fingers against the cold, clammy skin of Stiles neck to check his pulse and gasp in horror. I find nothing.

I should have stopped- I should have called Scott, but I couldn't bring myself to leave his side. Not ready to except his fate I continue to shake Stiles with my trembling hands, screaming and praying he would just wake up. But deep down, I know he never will.

I chose not to believe him when he said I was a werewolf and now because of me, Stiles is dead. The worst part of all, the whole time I was torturing this poor boy, the only thing I could think about was killing him and anything that got in my way. I can't believe I killed not just a person, but someone I was beginning to call my friend. Stiles was right, I am nothing but a monster.

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