Mia and I went to look for a seat in the bleachers, that way we can see the game clearly. Our seat was not too far or close from the court. It was just fine.

I could see Jay and the other players warming up. They were running, doing some stretching and such.

"Omg, look at number 20" I hear a girl seated at the front, not too far away from me.

"Girl. I've been eyeing him since day one." her friend giggles.

"What's his name again? Was it Jay?" she asks curiously.

"That's right." she sighs. "Jay, the man of my dreams." She hides her face with her hands, getting all red.

I could hear their conversation very clear and I can't help but get annoyed. I suddenly felt really uncomfortable.

I brushed it off and decided to just focus on the game. I was really hoping we'd win this game and that I'd successfully give the meal I worked so hard for to Jay.

We're currently at the 4th quarter with our team taking the leading. The score was 80- 78 and we had 20 seconds left.

I was sweating, even though I wasn't on the court. "Come on, we can do this" I whispered to myself as I clasp my hands together.

The ball was currently on our team, they passed the ball to each other and it was now in Jay's hand. He was dribbling the ball, on the way to our ring, but he got pushed by one of the opponents, he fell on the floor and got a scar on his knee.

I gasped and so did the crowd. The excitement I felt earlier was replaced with worry. "Let's go Jay! Let's go Jay!" I hear my team say as they try to comfort him.

Jay looked exhausted. He was in so much pain too. I felt like I was about to burst. I couldn't help it, so I screamed.

"Jay focus on the game! You got this! I'm supporting you all the way here, so please win this game for us. Now get your ass back there!"
I inhaled sharply after saying all that in one go.

There was an awkward silence and I felt so embarrassed. Shit.

"Look at you, scolding your man" Mia says and laughs at my outburst.

Our class cheered after my little "speech of encouragement" and I wanted to thank each and every one of them for doing so because now the awkward atmosphere was no longer there.

Jay looked at me and he smiled so brightly. He must have seen that I was wearing the jersey he gave me earlier because the kind of smile he had on his face was the first I've seen.

The game began and the ball was once again on Jay's hand. He ran as he dribbled the ball. there were 5 seconds left.

We started counting. I was holding my breath. "3.." Jay ran "2.." he threw the ball for a three points score "1.." and the ball went in. The buzzer was heard as we won the game.

We cheered and cheered for our great victory. I hugged Mia and we both were jumping out of joy and excitement. "This is amazing!!" I told her.

Jay was celebrating with the basketball team. They were cheering him for scoring the final score. There were words of compliments here and there.

While all that was happening, I took the bento box I prepared from my bag and got a bottle of water as well.

"Mia, wish me luck!" I say smiling.

"Go! I'll be right behind you." Mia replies.

I went down the bleachers, my heart fluttering. I was so happy. I was so happy for Jay, for the team. I only needed Jay to enjoy this little thing I prepared for him, and my day will go perfectly.

"Jay-" my walk goes to a halt as I see the two girls from the bleachers earlier.

"Hey, Jay! You did so well earlier. I almost fainted" one of them says as she fans her face with her hand.

"Also, we prepared this meal for you" the other lends Jay a pink bento box, while she flutters her eyelashes at him.

"Thanks. I'll gladly enjoy this." Jay accepts the bento box and smiles at them.

"I mean you can enjoy it with us" the girl speaks again.

"Yeah, we can go somewhere right now" her friend says and Jay laughs at that. Looking at them happily.

What is happening? I don't understand. I feel like crying, I feel like i'm about to have a break down.

I started to get teary-eyed as I watch the conversation shared between them. I was scared I'd break down right there and then, so I turned around, with the bento box still in my hand.

"Hey. How'd it go-" I cut Mia off as I forcefully push the bento box at her.

"Here. You can have it" I say without looking at her.

"But what about Jay?" she asks.

"It doesn't matter anymore." I say as I walk away. Tears running down my face.

Lots of love :)
- ims

hope you guys enjoyed this chapter just as much as i enjoyed writing it ^-^

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