[*Chapter Twenty-Six*]

Start from the beginning

Damon shook his head, and then a big smirk tugged at his pink lips, "Nice legs, by the way." earning a pillow whacking him in the face.

"Ass! You shouldn't be perving on teenage girls!"

"It's not perving if you flash them." He chuckled.

"You're still in a teenager's bedroom. Think who's in the wrong here? I can be naked all I want, but you shouldn't be here. If not for your vampire ass, you wouldn't be able to."

"Yeah, yeah. Okay, I get it. Now back to business." Damon replied sarcastically and lay down on her bed, playing with a brown scraggly teddy bear (Mr. Snuggles) placed on the over untouched pillow.


He hummed, throwing the teddy in the air. Darcy snatched it away and held it protectively to her chest, and gave him an offensive look, "Yep, you, me, Stefan, Elena, and the journal."

"Ahh, you want help to get into the tomb?" she affirmed.

Damon turned on his side, staring deep into her eyes, "Yeah, but I need your help. Stefan said I could trust him and that he will help." Darcy nodded and stayed quiet, letting him get his words out, "I don't know if I can trust him. Our history isn't the best. I'm just waiting for him to stab me in the back." he spoke lowly.

Darcy caught a flash of vulnerability lacing his eyes before lowering them to the black-satin bed sheets. A pang of hurt shot at her heart, causing her to reach out and hold his hand. She's said it before, Damon may seem cold and callous, but he's a broken soul under the layers. "I'll help, but I don't want to get caught in the middle. You and your brother shouldn't be fighting." She trailed off, hesitating, "How can you be sure she's even in the tomb?"

Damon lifted his head, remaining eye contact, "She has to be. We saw her go in. She has to be."

Darcy nodded, trying to think of words that won't get her neck snapped, "Okay...what about if she got out? I mean, she had a witch, Emily. What if she got her out?" Hopefully pushing the possibility into his head. If Damon really wanted to get into the tomb and get Katherine out, then he needed to think of the possibilities of her not being in there. After all, she's a manipulative bitch, and Darcy wouldn't put it past her.

Damon stayed silent in his thoughts, letting them linger. While he could have agreed, his love and fragile heart told him differently, "She has to be. I saw her with my own eyes...before the bullet shot me." he trailed off uncertainly, once his brain saw the logic. His heart and brain were locked in a battle, both screaming different things at him.

He groaned and rubbed his face and stood up from the bed but paused when Darcy spoke up, "Damon. Regardless of what happens, just know you'll always have a friend, okay?" she said while looking up at his broad frame.

He flashed her a nod and smile, feeling grateful for having someone in his life he can rely on. "Good. Now get out so I can get ready," she said while shooing him out of her room, receiving a smirk.

"Nothing I've not seen before, as I said nice legs!" he sang as he walked out of the room, just before another pillow hit his back.



"Why are we here--Damon!" Darcy yelped as Damon hauled her over his shoulder, then sped through the Salvatore Boarding House's front door and up the stairs. Her clenched hands beat against his leather-clad back, and the shit just laughed it off and burst into Stefan's bedroom. Deciding he wanted to amp up the fun, he threw her onto the two sleepy lumps on the bed.

"Dramatic much?" Darcy scowled but couldn't hold in the laugh wanting to burst out.

"Yup, that's my name!" He flailed his hands and bowed dramatically. He flicked his attention to the two mounds and clapped his hands when he saw they were still sleeping; not sure how but he clapped loudly. "Rise and shine, sleepyheads!"

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚: Abeyance || D.S & S.S (TVD) **REWRITING**Where stories live. Discover now