It's Not A Joke Anymore (30)

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Snow and I are at the frat house her friends stay at. I have only been at these for parties, but we are here because Sarah is taking Bella to this massage place she says is really good. We would have tagged along, but the place is mad expensive and we are not that desperate.

In addition to that Snowflake does not like when Bella is sad. She cannot stand to be around unhappy people really. You should see how uncomfortable she gets. It is amusing as fuck.

She will make these awkward remarks and the rest of us either cringe or laugh depending on what they are. When someone is upset the best thing you can do is get Snow out of the room as soon as possible.

Have her hug the person and apologize to them then drag her out of the room before she is another reason for them to cry.

My phone sounds through my jeans and I pull it out.

Shane's name flashes on the screen and my stomach drops, we kind of had a fight last night.


Shane: I have been thinking, you know.

Steph: Yeah...about what?

Shane: Just us and how we are not working anymore. I do not think this dating through college is going to be something we can pull off.

Steph: What are you saying? Are you breaking up with me?

Shane: Yeah I am sorry, Steph. I did not want to have to do it like this but I feel it necessary. We need to be able to grow without holding each other down.

Steph: Okay, fine.

Shane: Do not worry about returning anything. I just want my hoodies when you are ready. Please take your time.x

Steph: Okay, goodbye Shane.


"Did he just break up with you?" Snow asks me as she sits opposite me.

I nod and she gives me a small smile in form of an unspoken apology.

"Do you want to take a walk?" she offers and I nod.

We both get and get into the house so we can get out for a walk. We see Quin and he smiles at us.

"You guys want to go out to eat? It is on me," he offers and Snow replies for the both of us.

"Maybe later Quin. Steph and I need to talk so we are just gonna take a walk." she playfully shoves him.

"Oh, come on..." he tries to convince us.

"Later, Quin." Her tone is not sweet this time and I smile a bit grateful.

We walk in silence for a while until we get to this little stream.

"You know, I always thought we would end up together. You know, be like high school sweethearts and all." I am able to choke out.


"You are doing that thing again, Snowflake-"

"Shit, I am so sorry! I get what you mean though because we all thought so too." She opens her arms for me to hug her.

"It is okay, I saw this coming. I did not want it to, but I knew, deep down, he was fed up." I sob on her shoulder.

One thing about Snow? She gives the best hugs!

"I am sorry, Steph, I am so sorry! You do not deserve to feel like this, I love you!" she holds me tighter.

Any other time I would have probably begged Shane to not end thing, but I heard how cold his tone was. There was no love lining each word he spoke. I felt like shit!

Each word he spoke pierced through me like a knife.

To him, I was not worth it anymore and I had to accept that. I mean it is kind of all my fault anyway. I

"Thank you for always being there for me, Snowflake." She pulls away and that is when I see her eyes are red.

She is crying too.

"What do you mean, Steph?" she croaks.

"You do not realise it, but you always calling or texting to check-in goes a long way. Your hugs are what I look forward to when I am feeling sad. I love it when I open my phone and I have 7 notifications from Instagram telling me you sent me Marvel memes. Not just Instagram, Tiktok too. You always find ways to make my life better. I love you Infinity." 

Snow has one hand on her heart and the other over her mouth as the rest of her body shakes as she sobs.

"I love you to the moon, Steph!" 

"And back?"

"Nope, and beyond!"

We both cling to each other again. We fall into a comfortable silence as we watch the water flow. Both of us deep in thought.

"Hey, Steph?"


"Your heartbeat is my favourite sound," she says and my heart skips a beat.

I pull away in awe. 

"What, really? What the fuck, Snow?" I giggle.

"Nevermind, scratch that, it is your laugh." I tackle her to the floor and she bellows.

"Why the hell are you so adorable?" I ask tickling her.

"Okay, okay I will stop!" she keeps rolling.


Dear Stranger With My Secrets

I cannot believe you answered my text last night. At first, I said come over at 2 am as I joke, but when you agreed I realised it wasn't a joke anymore.

I can't believe your lips touched mine again. I can't believe your hands were on my ass again. You wore all black like the sky and so did I. Around your neck you had a half a heart necklace though, but it did not bother me.

For the first time, I did not care about the possibility of there being someone else making you happy. For the first time, all I wanted to do was just have a bit of fun. You were my bit of fun.

I was tasting honey from a jar I did not own. I wasn't the same little girl from the last time we kissed and I am sure you saw that too. Our lips danced and I realised I had relapsed.

I want more, but not as I would have before. I want more to see if there is anymore. To see how far we will take it, to see if my legs will shake like I always thought they would with you.

To see if the thought of us I was once obsessed with is really just a fairytale.

Next time, wait,

will there be a next time?

I know you won't call or text or even see this, but it's still for you

...just a stranger with my secrets that just turned into another one of my secrets.

-Snowflake Maliks



That is what is next, are you ready?????

That is chapter 30! It is shorter than usual, but I got the point I needed to get across. The next chapter will be Snow's  POV again. Yay, I missed her weird-ass!

I hope are all doing well and just remember to smile!


s e e n o <3

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