The Union Livestreams

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"I know how we can boost the Union's image," Jake suggested during a meeting. "We do a livestream on the Shuttle Patch where we read Union fanfiction,"

"Union fanfiction?" Donald questioned. 

"Stories that our fans wrote about us," Jake explained. "Believe it or not, but despite being a bunch of students mainly composed of underage drinkers and smokers, and the fact that we beat up a lot of people, the Union has a lot of fans," 'A lot of crazy fangirls and fanboys that simp for us,'

Donald turned to Kingsley. "What do you think?"

"It's just stories," Kingsley shrugged. "What's the worst that can happen?"

Jake did his best to not laugh out loud. 'Oh, they're in for a surprise!'


Each school head had brought their top members with them to the livestream. Grape tried to avoid being in Wolf's sight and trembled. He didn't want to be in the same room as Wolf, but orders were orders. At least Wolf couldn't beat him up since fighting within the Union was prohibited.

"We will begin the livestream now," Kingsley announced and the camera started recording.

"Greetings everyone," Donald said to the camera. "I am Donald Na, head of the Yeongdeungpo Union. Today we decided to interact with our fans by reading stories you've written about us,"

-Holy shit is this real!?

-Fuck yeah, I've always wanted them to read fanfiction!

-I'm 100% sure it was Jake Ji who suggested this


-No arguments there

"Send us your story documents," Donald ordered.

-Can we also send fanart?

-Why're you even asking?

-Just send the art even if they say no

-File Folder Uploaded: [Union Doujinshi]

"Oh," Jake grinned. "We already have doujinshi?"

"What's a doujinshi?" Forrest asked. 

"A fanmade manga," Jake snickered. 'I bet this one's gonna have a ship in it. I wonder what rating it has. R? M? MA?'

"If any of you send a virus," Donald warned as he downloaded the file. "I will track you down and beat the shit outta you,"

Donald's laptop was being projected onto the large screen at the front of the meeting room so the rest of the Union could also see. Once the files were downloaded, he opened the first one.

The first panel was of a shadowy figure crouched in a tree. The next panel showed the moon, indicating that it was nighttime. The third panel showed a close up to the shadow figure and a flash of lightning, revealing blood red eyes. In the next panel, it was a close up of the figure's mouth, revealing two sharp fangs.

"I smell...something sweet..."  He licked his lips. "It's been a while since someone's blood was so...alluring,"

The last panel of the page showed Donald Na grinning like a madman. "TIME TO HUNT!"

Donald didn't go onto the next page of that specific doujinshi. "First off, why does everyone think I'm a vampire?"

"It's fiction, Donald," Kingsley reminded. "And you have the vampire look,"

Donald Na X Gravy [And Other Short Stories]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang