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How Mokha Met

"Hey Orochimaru," Jake asked. "How did you and Seongmok become friends?"

"I remember it as if it was yesterday," Dongha reminisced.

Four year old Seongmok was sitting under a tree during recess, alone and away from all the other kids. He was reading a book.

Four year old Dongha casually walked up to Seongmok and picked him up. "You're my friend now,"

And then random music began to play.

"What the fuck!?" Jimmy exclaimed. "I thought it was gonna be some super cool story, but that's how the two of you met!?"

"It was love at first sight!" Myles, who was in the air vents, shouted. 

"Myles vented," Jake said seriously. "He's the imposter,"

"We literally kicked him out for betrayal months ago," Kingsley deadpanned.

"Did you guys know that there's a rat in your ceiling vent? I'm gonna adopt him. He looks like Forrest so I'm calling him Better Forrest since he's better than Forrest,"

Broccoli Babe

"Hey babe," 

That was the first thing Hyunjin said to Gerard when he saw him again.

"I meant broccoli!" Hyunjin quickly corrected himself. "Your new hairstyle makes you look like a broccoli so I was gonna call you Broccoli!"

"Does anyone else hear Careless Whisper being played?" Sangman asked with confusion.

Myles was hidden in some bushes and playing the music loudly from his phone. "I ship Hyunjin and Gerard,"

These two short stories felt too short to be their own chapters so I combined them together.

Donald Na X Gravy [And Other Short Stories]Where stories live. Discover now