Yuri Han Part II

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Donald: 7 years old
Changhui: 14 years old
Yuri: 23 years old
Janghyeok: 20 years old

A year passed and during that time, the adoption papers were approved so Yuri officially became Donald's new mother. Dad Han and Mom Han traveled often, but when they came home they always brought souvenirs for their children and grandson.

Changhui, now in middle school, joined a gang. He didn't talk about Cheongang much around his family and simply always said he was hanging out with friends.

One day, Donald saw Changhui practicing his fighting skills. "Uncle Changhui, can you teach me how to fight?"

"Uh," Changhui glanced over to his sister. "Sis?"

"Donald," Yuri knelt down to her son's level. "Violence isn't always the answer,"

"But what if someone bullies me?" Donald pointed out. "I want to know how to defend myself,"

"Fights usually happen more in middle and high school," Changhui brought up. "But it can still happen in elementary school. I can just teach him basic self-defense,"

Yuri sighed. "Fine,"

Although Changhui only taught basic moves to Donald, the young boy improved his skills through studying. He read books about different martial arts and watched MeTube videos for demonstrations. He carefully analyzed the movements and applied them to himself.


Donald: 8 years old
Changhui: 15 years old
Yuri: 24 years old
Janghyeok: 21 years old

Another year passed and Yuri and Donald moved to Yeongdeungpo due to Yuri's job. Yuri was hesitant to leave her little brother home alone, but he assured her that he would be fine and that they were only one river away from each other.

Donald was nervous about moving to a new place, but he never really had any friends back in Mapo. The only person he'd be missing would be his uncle. 

When Donald enrolled in his new elementary school. he quickly befriended another boy: Kingsley Kwan. The two became best friends and were incredibly close to each other.

Yuri was glad that her son was adjusting to the move quickly. She was worried that he'd be distraught over the sudden change.


Donald: 9 years old
Changhui: 16 years old
Yuri: 25 years old
Janghyeok: 22 years old

After a year of settling down in Yeongdeungpo, Yuri Han met Janghyeok Woo. Yuri was exiting a cafe and had accidentally bumped into Janghyeok, who was visiting the area.

"I'm so sorry!" Yuri frantically apologized. "Did my coffee spill onto you!? Did you get burned!?"

"I'm fine," Janghyeok claimed. "But are you alright? A lot of the coffee spilled onto your shirt,"

Yuri looked down to see the large coffee stain on the front of her shirt. "Meh, I'm sure it'll wash out. At least the food I ordered is alright,"

"Here," Janghyeok scribbled down his number on a piece of paper and handed it to her. 

"Uh?" Yuri raised a brow in confusion.

"I'll pay for your dry cleaning,"

"Oh, don't worry about it!" Yuri waved him off. "That's not necessary. I'll just chuck it into my washer and it'll be as good as new. Besides, I was the one who bumped into you so it's my own fault,"

"I insist," Janghyeok placed the paper in her hands. "The blame is fifty-fifty. We're both equally at fault. I should've been more alert too,"


The next day, Yuri brought Donald to the cafe to eat out for breakfast. Donald stared at the menu and decided to order chocolate pancakes, a slice of chocolate cake, and a chocolate milkshake. Yuri ordered some waffles and iced tea for herself. After they finished eating, the waitress said that someone had paid for their bill already.

"Who?" Yuri was confused.

"A man in a suit," The waitress informed. "He just left after finishing his coffee and cake so you might be able to catch up to him,"

Yuri grabbed her son's hand and ran out the cafe. "Hey!"

Janghyeok stopped walking and turned to face her. "You didn't want me to pay for your dry cleaning so when I saw you were here again, I went ahead and paid for you and your son's meal instead,"

"Mom, who's this?" Donald asked.

"I accidentally bumped into your mom yesterday and spilled her coffee all over her shirt," Janghyeok informed. 

"I was the one who bumped into you," Yuri corrected. "And I told you that it was my own fault! Besides, our meal was more than what cleaning a shirt would cost," Her eyes landed on a bakery nearby. "Hey, you like cake, right? I'll buy you some to pay you back,"

Before Janghyeok could refuse, Yuri dragged him into the bakery. Janghyeok could easily break free of her hold, but he didn't. He noticed that Donald was staring at the large chocolate muffins.

Yuri bought a slice of chocolate cake and then handed the box to Janghyeok. "Here. Now we can call it even,"

Janghyeok took the box and then bought a large chocolate muffin. He handed it to Donald. "Here,"

Donald immediately accepted it and took a large bite. "Thanks!"

"Aww, what a cute son you have," The baker commented.

"Orion, you know perfectly well that I don't have a son," Janghyeok rolled his eyes. "I don't even have a girlfriend,"

"Hey kid," The baker addressed Donald. "Help me get those two together and I'll give you any baked goods from here for free,"

"Okay!" Donald agreed, his mouth already watering at the thought of all the free food he'd get.

"Here's some sachertorte," The baker handed a box to him.

"Wouldn't your boss fire you for something like that?" Yuri asked.

"Nope," Orion grinned. "I own Sweet Cosmos!"

Orion from the Dawnverse made a cameo in the Yuriverse

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