Drunk Donald

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Donald Na was quite an enigma. Nobody knew his past or his family. Everyone in the Union, even the students of Yeo-Il, didn't know any of Donald's friends except Kingsley Kwan. But even Kingsley Kwan didn't know Donald's past prior to his enrollment into Yeo-Il High School.

Jake wanted to know what kind of drunk Donald was. So, he brought a crap load of booze to the Union meeting and before Donald could object, Jimmy, Forrest, and Wolf had already began to drink. Jake himself didn't drink but urged Donald to drink. And eventually, Donald caved in and after a couple cans, he was completely drunk. Only two people were completely sober: Jake and Kingsley. 

"Why, Jake?" Kingsley sighed. "Why did you get everyone drunk?"

"You should join in too!" Jake placed a can into the bespectacled man's hand.

"No," Kingsley placed the can down.

"Hey Jake, shut the fuck up!" Donald yelled, catching everyone's attention. His cheeks were bright red from drunkenness.

"What?" Jake didn't expect Donald to raise his voice. He hadn't even done anything wrong!

"Stop talking to MY Kingsley!" Donald snapped. "He's MINE! Go get your own!"

Jake smirked. "You and Kingsley aren't dating,"

"Fuck off!" Donald shouted. "Kingsley, let's go get a wedding certificate!"

"Wait, what!?" Kingsley asked. "Did you just propose!?"

"We're getting married!" Donald scooped Kingsley up bridal style. 


"Jake, you're not invited to our wedding!" Donald slammed the door on his way out.

Jake slowly blinked. "I'm not sure if I should be offended or not,"


Donald Na woke up the next morning, naked in bed. Oh, and Kingsley was in his bed too, also naked. "K-K-Kingsley!" Donald stuttered and blushed like a shy schoolboy. 

"We're married now," Kingsley told him and held up the marriage certificate. "It usually takes three weeks for it to be processed, but you bribed the office and had it processed immediately. So now we're married,"

Donald Na thought it was too good to be real. He really wanted it to be real, but it all had to be a dream, right? 

"You're not dreaming," Kingsley said, knowing what Donald was thinking, and pulled him into a kiss.

I was gonna make Donald a sad drunk, but I didn't want to put a sad chapter into this story. So, instead, we have love drunk Donald. 

Donald Na X Gravy [And Other Short Stories]Where stories live. Discover now