Forrest's Birthday

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This is part of the FanCornverse.

"Here," Myles Joo of Universe C-01746 handed a card to Forrest Lee of Universe F-83457. "Happy birthday,"

"Thanks," Forrest still found it a bit awkward hanging out with Myles after he found out that the latter was from an entirely different universe. Also, Myles was technically still excommunicated from the Union. 

Forrest opened the card and was met with a blast of glitter as the card sang happy birthday. He coughed some out and shook most of it off, but we all know glitter will never completely go away. "Why!? For fuck's sake, why glitter of all things!?"

"Because it's funny," Myles chuckled. 

"You're gonna like my present better," Grape handed a box to Forrest.

Forrest opened it and found a Pokéball inside. "You got me a Pokémon?" He let his new pet out of the Pokéball.

"Ri, Riolu!" The bipedal canine greeted his new trainer.

"Cute," Forrest patted the Riolu's head. "I'm Forrest," 

"Ri!" The Riolu hugged Forrest.

"What are you gonna name him?" Robin inquired.

"Hunter," Forrest answered. 

"Ri, Ri!" The Riolu cheered in happiness.

"I guess you got his approval," Myles chuckled.

"Hey Myles, it's...nice...hanging out with you and all," Forrest told him. "But isn't it also the birthday of the me from your universe? Shouldn't you also be hanging out with him?"

"I'm still mad at him," Myles mumbled. 

"Wait," Robin spoke up. "Weren't you in a middle of a livestream? How are you livestreaming right now and here at the same time?"

"Onion fairy," Myles told him. "Since you have a Riolu now, he can tell you when Wolf's nearby or fight Wolf off to protect you,"

"I do not want to subject my child to the horror that is known as Wolf Keum," Forrest deadpanned. "Have you seen that guy's durability!?"

"Maybe I should've given you a Pokémon that can paralyze him," Grape said. "Or teleport him elsewhere,"

Some other possible names for the Riolu would've been Mano because Riolu is blue like a shark, Bruiser, Brutus, or Atlas.

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