Wolf Gets Replaced

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"So, Ganghak lost to Eunjang just like Yoosun and Hyeongshin," Donald was not happy at all. "Now, if that were the only problem, I would just have Jake in charge of all three schools. However, he also lost the money and files. So now, we're taking a vote on if my candidate should replace Wolf as head of Ganghak,"

"Your candidate?" Even Kingsley didn't know what Donald was doing.

"Hey New Wolf, come here!" Donald called in the direction of the door.

A large wolf with dark purple fur entered.

"Donald, did you dye Ryan's fur!?" Kingsley exclaimed.

"No, this is naturally purple. Ryan's at summer camp," Donald claimed. "This is a Purplus Maximus Caninus,"

"Ryan's at summer camp?" Kingsley stared at him. "It's not summer yet,"

"Okay, fine," Donald said. "I sent Ryan over to Alistair so he could keep Chompy company while Alistair attends school,"

The Union Boys all were confused as to who the hell Alistair and Chompy were.

"But really, this is actually a naturally purple wolf," Donald petted New Wolf's head. "All in favor of replacing Wolf with New Wolf?"

Everyone agreed except for Kingsley and Wolf.

"Also, the Purplus Maximus Caninus is the only venomous wolf breed," Donald informed. 

"How is a wolf going to do all of the responsibilities as a school head?" Kingsley argued.

"Human will be New Wolf's servant," Donald said.


"Obviously it'd be confusing if we call them Wolf and New Wolf," Donald pointed out. "So Wolf Keum will be called Human from now on while New Wolf will simply just be called Wolf. Oh right, I need to enroll Wolf into Ganghak,"

"Donald, there's no way the school would let you enroll an animal as a student,"

"You underestimate the power of money,"

New Wolf walked over to Human Keum and bit him.

"Never mind, I'll just let Wolf take Human's place since Human's going to die in a few minutes," Donald shrugged. "I just have to give him a blazer and some glasses and he'll pass off as Human without a problem,"

Which of Donald's pets (from this chapter and the Bring Your Pets to Work Day chapters) would you want to see the Point of View of?

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