Cassandra Na (Captured in Your Eyes)

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Here's a new miniverse that exists within the Gravyverse clusterverse (like the Fanfiction Corner Universe/FanCornverse). 
This miniverse starts off with a serious tone because we all know Donald's childhood sucked but since this takes place in the Gravyverse clusterverse, it'll eventually become a crack-fic.
This time around, Donald has an older sister instead of a younger sibling. Now you might be wondering: How will this story become a crack-fic? The answer is the ship.

The moment Cassandra Na found the opportunity to escape the hellish household, she grabbed her little brother and ran like their lives depended on it. Actually, their lives did depend on it. Cassie was only ten years old and her little brother, Donald, was three. She had done her best to take the brunt of the abuse and shielded Donald whenever she could.

The streets were unkind to them. It was a daily struggle for shelter, food, and water. There were also the dangers of getting kidnapped by human traffickers and getting beaten up by street thugs. Everyday was filled with hiding and running.

The two eventually settled down in an abandoned building in Yeongdeungpo. Kids under fifteen years old could only get a job if they had an employment permit. Despite being malnourished, Cassie was taller than most girls her age. She was able to fortunately get away with claiming to be a short fifteen year old and began earning money.

For two years, they lived like this. While Cassie worked, she had Donald stay hidden inside their makeshift home. When she wasn't working, Cassie often took Donald to the park to play and befriend other children his age. Donald became very close with one boy in particular: Kingsley Kwan. They became best friends.

One day, someone tried to kidnap the two kids. Cassie was closer to them than Kingsley's parents were and rushed to the rescue. I can't describe in detail what she did because then this story would become Rated M for violence, but it ended up with Cassie killing the motherfucker. Normally people could be charged with excessive violence or something, but since Cassie was under fourteen years old, she got away scot-free.

Unfortunately, this also revealed to Kingsley and his parents that Cassie and Donald were homeless. Rather than leaving them to the foster system and having a high risk of being separated, Mom Kwan and Dad Kwan took them in.

For the first time in their entire lives, Cassie and Donald didn't have to worry about struggling to survive.


At eighteen years old, Cassie and her friends went over to a new night club in Mapo to party. They were two years under the age of drinking but hey, it was only two years, right? And Cassie had already dealt with enough shit in her life so she wanted to let loose for once.

Someone caught Cassie's eyes, a boy her age with short black hair and brilliant blue eyes. The two made eye contact and it was obvious that Cassie had also caught the boy's attention. The boy walked over to the counter and took a seat next to her. "Can I buy you a drink?"

"Sure," Cassie agreed. "I don't drink much so you can choose which drink might suit my taste,"

The two chatted and drank together. One thing led to another and they ended up in bed together.

Cassie woke up the next morning wrapped in a warm hug. She didn't feel like getting up immediately and cuddled closer to her lover. "You know, I don't think I got your name last night,"

"It's Changhui," He answered.

"Well Changhui, the name's Cassandra but you can call me Cassie," She introduced herself. "It's nice to meet you,"

"By the way, your phone's been buzzing for the past couple minutes," Changhui mentioned.

With a resigned sigh, she grabbed her phone. Some of the messages were from her friends commenting on how she got lucky and scored a hottie. The rest were mainly overly worried texts from Donald asking where she was.

"I should head home," Cassie said as she dressed herself. "My little brother's probably panicking since I didn't go home last night,"

"Maybe we'll see each other again," Changhui flashed a smirk at her.

"Maybe," Cassie smiled back. 'Last night was great. I wouldn't mind seeing him again the next time I decide to come back to Mapo,'


The eleven year old boy sprinted over to his sister when she arrived home. "Cassie, where were you!?"

"Chill out Donny," Cassie patted her little brother's head. "My friends and I were just out having some fun,"

"Why does your breath smell like alcohol?" Mom Kwan asked. "Were you and your friends drinking?"

"Maybe," Cassie shrugged. "I only had a few glasses,"

"Cassandra Na you are underage!" Mom Kwan scolded. "Since you didn't come home last night, did you also end up having sex with someone you met at some bar or club!?"

"So what?" Cassie scoffed. "I'm eighteen. He's eighteen. Teens have sex nowadays,"

"Now, now," Dad Kwan intervened before the argument could escalate further. "Did you at least practice safe sex?"

Cassie couldn't answer and instead looked away. "It was just one night,"

"Cass, it only takes one night," Dad Kwan sighed. "You can end up with an STD or an accidental pregnancy,"

"I just thought I could finally let loose and be carefree just like my friends were," Cassie mumbled. "Look, I'm sure you're all overreacting. Everything's fine,"

"Sis?" Donald tugged on his sister's hand. "Who did you sleep with?"

"Why are you asking?" Cassie raised a brow.

"I'm gonna kill him!"

"Donny, no!"


A few weeks later, Cassie got really sick. She was throwing up a lot and Donald urged her to go to the doctor's. Cassie claimed to be fine and that it was probably just the flu, but Kingsley got his parents to drag her to the doctor's. The doctor's words made her blood run cold.

"You're pregnant,"

Gijoo and Doyoon are canonically 18-19 years old. Changhui and Joowon are older but their ages aren't explicitly stated, so I'm making them 25 years old in this story.

I was originally going to publish this series as its own story, but I had no actual storyline for it planned out. I decided to publish it in the Gravyverse since there's going to be funny family moments now that Donald and Changhui are brother-in-laws.

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