Kingsley X Ben

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"Kingsley, what the fuck is with your spending habits lately!?" Donald exclaimed when he saw the bank statements of the Union card. "Why have you been spending so much on food!? Have you really been that hungry these days!?"

"You said to gather more information on the guy that you and Jimmy fought a few weeks ago, Ben Park," Kingsley pushed his glasses up. "I went up to him and asked him out on a date,"

"There's no way he accepted a date from some random stranger,"

"He did," Kingsley informed. "He said I seemed like a cool guy and agreed to go on a date with me. Since I was the one that asked him out, I paid for the meal,"

"Did you take him to some fancy high end restaurant or something?" Donald asked. "Because each of these payments are way too high for single meals!"

"We ate at Ttosikki Chicken," Kingsley answered. 

"You expect me to believe—"

"He ate three whole chickens," Kingsley cut Donald off. "All by himself. I only managed to eat half a chicken and gave him the other half. He has a voracious appetite,"

"Is it really necessary to spend this much to get info on Ben Park?" Donald sighed.

"Yes, because I need to get closer to him and get him to trust me more," Kingsley claimed. "If I don't get to know him, how do you expect me to gather information?"

"Fine, fine," Donald said. "Let me guess, these other expenses are from other dates with him?"

"Yes," Kingsley nodded. "He and I went to the movies, to the arcade, and to the amusement park,"

"Try not to make the Union broke with all your spending," Donald buried his face in his hands. "You can leave now,"

Kingsley nodded before exiting the office. He had another date with Ben. To be honest, Kingsley actually quite enjoyed their dates. It felt so refreshing from all the Union business. Ben's personality was the complete opposite of Donald's. Ben was loud and fun-loving while Donald was always serious and focused only on the business.

He had already gathered that Ben Park wouldn't be a threat. He knew that Ben and his friend weren't in any gangs and weren't actively trying to destroy the Union. He could just simply break up with Ben and end things since he has already gotten all the information needed.

But Kingsley didn't break up with Ben. He wanted to continue hanging out with Ben and spending Donald's money on their dates.

It wasn't until they accidentally had their first kiss when they both tripped and fell onto each other that Kingsley realized he had actually fallen in love with Ben.

The ship name is Ken. Yes, this ship name's supposed to sound close to Kenny's name to annoy a Kenny fan.

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