Ghost in the Machines

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It was late November. Donald Na had been dead for an entire month. Despite Donald having disbanded the Union prior to his death, Kingsley wanted to continue it. Jake had planned on leaving Yeongdeungpo to get away from all the gang activities for a while, but Kenny had scolded him and told him to at least finish the semester. 

One day, Jake decided to check up on Kingsley to see how he was doing. "Hey Jawbreaker," He greeted the giant bunny once he entered the apartment. Jawbreaker chirped at Jake before looking away, as if she were paying attention to someone else in the room. The only ones in the apartment were her, Jake, and Kingsley so Jake was a bit confused by who Jawbreaker was focusing on.

"I told you that you don't need to drop by," Kingsley said as he exited the kitchen while sipping a mug of coffee. "I'm fine,"

"Have you eaten yet?" Jake held up a bag of food. "I bought some stuff from the nearby bakery,"

"That was Donald's favorite bakery," Kingsley mumbled as he sat down on the couch. He unboxed the chocolate cake. "This was actually Donald's favorite thing in the bakery. He just never bought it too often so he wouldn't get too tired of it,"

"Maybe we can stab the cake to kill it and Donald's ghost can eat the ghost cake?" Jake tried to joke but earned a glare from Kingsley. "Oh, uh, speaking of ghosts, there's this new app that's gotta popular recently. It allows people to see ghosts through their phone,"

"That's complete bullshit," Kingsley scoffed. 

"A lot of reviews are claiming it's legit," Jake opened up the app on his phone and began to look around the room. "Holy fuck,"

"What?" Kingsley asked in a disinterested tone. "It shows a super scary jump scare?"

"Kingsley, come over here and look," Jake said in a serious tone.

Kingsley sighed and walked over to Jake to look at the phone. His eyes widened when he saw Donald's ghost talking to Sua's ghost. "W-What?"

"Hey Mom, did I ever tell you about the time Kingsley ate Jawbreaker's food?" Donald asked as he sat on the floor and pet Jawbreaker. 

"No, you haven't," Sua shook her head.

"Kingsley hadn't had his coffee yet but he was preparing cereal for himself and pellets for Jawbreaker," Donald explained. "When I walked into the kitchen, I saw him eating Jawbreaker's pellets instead of his cereal,"

"Kingsley, you ate rabbit food!?" Jake exclaimed.

Jake's words caught Donald's attention. "Did you hear what I just told my mom?"

"Donald?" Kingsley began to tear up. "Is that really you?"

"Kingsley...can..." Donald stared at him. "Can you see me? Can you hear me?"

"Through that ghost app on Jake's phone I can," Kingsley began to cry. "I can't believe it, but that fucking app actually works," He quickly downloaded the app on his own phone. 

"Were you staying with Kingsley this entire time?" Jake inquired.

"Yeah," Donald nodded. "He's my boyfriend so of course I wanted to stay by his side. Also he's still taking care of our pet bunny. Jawbreaker can actually see me and my mom."

"I wish I could hug you," Kingsley said in a broken voice. "Donald, I wish I could hold you and never let you go,"

"Hey, the company that made the app just announced that they're selling humanoid robot bodies that ghosts can possess," Jake spoke up. "But they're quite expensive. Since the app was legit, the robot body has got to be legit too,"

"Hey Kingsley, I know I said to disband the Union and originally I wanted to scold you for continuing the Union after my death," Donald said. "I originally wanted to just stop it all. But now that there's robot bodies that ghosts can possess...we need to buy two of them. It won't be the same since we'd probably feel like metal to everyone, but at least it's better than my mom and I remaining intangible ghosts,"

"Donald," Sua told him. "If it's expensive, you don't have to worry about me getting one,"

"No, Mom," Donald firmly said. "I want you to be able to experience some sort of living again. You deserve a happy life more than me. I've hurt people but you, despite also suffering, never once hurt someone else,"


With Donald advising Kingsley on managing the Union, after a couple months, they were able to afford both robot bodies. Immediately after Donald and Sua possessed the robots, the robots took on their exact appearances. Kingsley and Donald hugged each other tightly. 

Kingsley called for a Union assembly at the Han River. Everyone was shocked to see Donald standing next to Kingsley. "Kingsley worked hard to manage the Union after I died, but now I want to completely disband the Union, permanently this time,"



"The Union is doing so well,"

"Kingsley dug into the circumstances of my death and it was discovered that Cheongang had hired that truck driver to kill me," Donald revealed. "I don't think the Union is worth dying over. In the end, we're all just kids. We all have many years to left to live. If you guys wish to still continue the Union, be my guest but Kingsley and I will have nothing to do with it,"

Donald grabbed Kingsley's hand and together, they left for a fresh start.

There's actually a dark backstory as to how the humanoid robot bodies were created. They were made through unethical means, as in people were murdered to create them through some dark magic.

Also, if I were to make a crack-fic ending, Dongha would've been the founder of the company just because his epithet is "Ghost".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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