Hyunjin's Roommate

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Hyunjin was sick, so Jinwoo, Sangman, and Gerard decided to visit him and see how he was doing. They knocked on the apartment door and a teenager with messy black hair and grey eyes answered it.

"We're Hyunjin's friends," Jinwoo spoke up. "We came to see how he was doing,"

"I was just about to bring his food to him," Alistair allowed them inside. "The name's Alistair Rei. I'm Hyunjin's roommate,"

"I'm Sangman and these two are Jinwoo and Gerard," Sangman introduced himself and his friends. "We're Hyunjin's bandmates,"

Alistair prepared a tray with yuzu tea, rice porridge, and sliced pears with honey. He knocked on Hyunjin's bedroom door and when he received no answer, he just casually entered. "Hey Hyunjin, wake up,"

"Lemme sleep," Hyunjin mumbled, hugging his body pillow.

"Is that a dakimakura with a photo of Gerard on it?"  Jinwoo asked.

Alistair looked at the pillow and then at Gerard. "Yes. Yes it is,"

"Why would he have a body pillow of me?" Gerard questioned.

Hyunjin, who was still unaware of everyone else's presence, hugged his pillow tighter. "I love you Gerard,"

"He's got a huge crush on you," Alistair snickered. "You know what he said when he found out you hurt your finger? He ranted to me that he was worried about your safety and hated how you kept getting into fights. He wanted to hunt down whoever kept on bullying you and kill them,"

"He hates me," Gerard denied. "He and I always argue,"

"He just acts all tsundere," Alistair shook Hyunjin's shoulder. "You gotta eat to regain your strength,"

"Fuck off," Hyunjin hugged his pillow tighter. "Unless you're Gerard, I don't wanna eat,"

Alistair handed the tray to Gerard and nudged him towards Hyunjin. "Hey Hyunjin, Gerard's here to feed you,"

"Gerard!" Hyunjin's face lit up and he beamed. "This is the best dream ever!"

"It's not a—" 

Jinwoo covered Sangman's mouth. "Shh, they're finally getting along,"


Hyunjin woke up a few hours later. "I feel much better than before," He sat up and realized that he wasn't hugging his Gerard dakimakura pillow. Instead...he was hugging solid muscles. Slowly, he turned his head to face Gerard. "Why the fuck are you in my bed!?"

"After I fed you, you pulled me into your bed to cuddle with me as you slept," Gerard deadpanned. "I thought you were supposed to be weak when you're sick, yet your grip was super strong and the others couldn't free me,"

"The two of you slept together," Alistair popped his head into the bedroom when he had heard them wake up. "If you know what I mean 😏,"

Hyunjin laid back down. "I'm going to pretend that this is still a dream and go back to sleep,"

"Wait, let me go first before you go back to sleep!"

"No," Hyunjin refused and hugged slightly tighter. "You're my Gerard and my teddy bear,"


Too late. Hyunjin was already fast asleep, meaning Gerard was trapped with him forever.

"So cute!" Alistair took a photo of them. "Such a cute couple!"

Kingsley, can this be us?



I'm dating Donald

And why is my cousin
hugging a tree?

He's taking the term
"tree hugger" too literally

Myles Juice has added himself to the chat

Myles Juice:
Send me the pic


How the fuck did you just
add yourself to the chat?

Myles Juice:
The power of fanfiction
and shipping

If Myles can break the fourth wall in the Gravyverse, then I'm pretty sure he can also add himself to other people's chats too.

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