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Gerard fell to the floor and sobbed. "Dickhead...w-why didn't you say so? I'm nothing to you...Why did you save me? I don't deserve it!"

"I...wanted to take a break anyway," Hyunjin turned away from his friend. 

"I'm sorry, Hyunjin. I'm so sorry,"

Hyunjin paused. "Gerard, promise me something. Now that you know this is going to take at least a year to recover...let's make a deal that'll last for a year. Just one year. Don't use your hands in fights for one whole year. Your hands are too valuable for that,"

"O-Okay..." Gerard agreed through his tears.

Suddenly, both boys felt a pulling sensation and were suddenly blinded by a bright light. When they opened their eyes...they were both sitting on a their practice room in Dorim Shopping Complex.

"Hyunjin, are you alright?" Jinwoo asked. 

"Huh?" Hyunjin snapped his head up. 'What's going on? How am I here? hands...' He carefully inspected his hands. 'There's not a single wound on them!'

"I asked if the songs are coming along well," Jinwoo repeated.

"Song? What songs?" Hyunjin asked.

"The songs for the summer audition?" Jinwoo raised a brow. "Remember, you were working on your original songs to use for the audition?"

"Jinwoo...Sangman..." Gerard's voice faltered slightly. "What's the date today?" 

Sangman told him the date. "Gerard, Hyunjin, are you both alright? You're not your usual selves,"

"That date is from a month and a half ago..." Gerard whispered. "We're in the past. That means..." He looked at Hyunjin. "H-Hyunjin...your hands...are they..."

"They're fine now," Hyunjin held up his hands for Gerard to see.

"What's with you two?" Jinwoo asked. "You're both acting weird. Usually you're arguing,"

Gerard teared up and immediately hugged Hyunjin. "HYUNJIN!"

"GET OFF ME!" Hyunjin tried to shove Gerard off but Gerard refused to let go.

"I'M SORRY HYUNJIN!" Gerard cried. "I'M SORRY!"

Hyunjin resigned himself to being trapped in the hug for the time being. "Yeah, yeah," He awkwardly patted Gerard's back. "Stop crying. You look pathetic,"

"Uh..." Both Jinwoo and Sangman were confused. "What's going on?"

"Just some time travel stuff," Hyunjin answered.


"Don't worry, Hyunjin," Gerard sniffled. "I'll prevent the fire at Dorim so you don't get hurt! I'm gonna kill Jeongmu Choi!"

"Gerard, that's illegal,"

"So is arson, attempted murder, underage smoking, assault, and fraud!" Gerard pointed out. 

"Just don't get caught by the cops," Hyunjin didn't even try to stop him now. "And if you do get caught, don't drag us to prison with you,"

"Hyunjin, stop encouraging him!" 

And that is how Gerard prevented Slam from splitting up.

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