Accidental Marriage

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Requested by @thisisJaeu

Spoiler Alert for Ch 138

"How?" Jinwoo asked. "How the fuck did this happen? We sent you both to Las Vegas so you can both finally get along. We didn't mean for you two to get married!"

"We both got drunk," Gerard mumbled.

"Why were you two drinking!?" Jinwoo scolded. "You're both underage!"

"Gerard smokes and he's underage," Hyunjin pointed out.

"That's besides the point!" Jinwoo groaned. "And accidentally getting married isn't the only thing you guys did!"

"Dada!" A one year old boy sitting on Gerard's lap hugged the green haired teen. "Papa!" He made a grabbing motion for Hyunjin.

Hyunjin took the child from Gerard. "I have no idea how we were approved to be adoptive parents in such a short amount of time. We were in Las Vegas for less than a week,"

"You both need to take responsibility for your actions," Sangman told them. "You can't just return your son like some product. You need to raise him,"

"Of course!" Both of them said at the same time. "I don't plan on abandoning my child!" 


The two were, surprisingly, amazing dads to their son, James Jin-Cha. Jinwoo and Sangman were great uncles. Hyunjin and Gerard got along much better and rarely argued, so in a way the Las Vegas trip did strengthen their relationship. James happily listened to the band when they practiced and loved their music.

Hyunjin and Gerard never got divorced.

I have another Hyunjin X Gerard one-shot that I'm working on. The chapter will be called And They Were Roommates (Oh My God, They Were Roommates)

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