This Wasn't Supposed to Happen

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I didn't want to get involved in all the fighting that was happening amongst the schools in Yeongdeungpo. I was a changed man, okay? I was no longer the violent person who constantly fought and bullied others. I was going to focus on studying.

Well, that was the plan when I transferred into a prestigious school. My grades were barely qualified for my enrollment.

My whole plan was thrown out the window when I accidentally bumped into someone on my way to the exit when the final bell rang. I had apologized profusely, but apparently that wasn't enough for whoever I bumped into. When the first punch was thrown, I easily dodged and sighed. This guy wasn't going to back down. So, I fought back. The guy I was up against was actually quite strong, but I was stronger and after a couple blows, I had won.

I didn't want to apologize to the guy. He had an aura of superiority and intimidation to him. He was probably a bully who got whatever he wanted. The guy's friend helped him back up. Fortunately, I had broken his arm and not his leg so he was able to walk, although he was probably in a lot of pain.

I then noticed the shocked expressions in the crowd around us. Everyone couldn't believe the outcome. Who exactly was this guy? Was he supposed to be some kind of big shot?

"Look," I told the guy I had beaten up. "I didn't want to fight you. I said I was sorry for bumping into you. I didn't want to fight you, but you threw the first punch. Your wounds are your own fault,"

"You don't know who I am, do you?"

"This is literally my first day here," I answered flatly. "Look, I'm just gonna go now. I have some studying to do," I then quickly left before any more trouble could occur.


Once I got home, I tended to my wounds. Man, that guy was really strong. I think he broke, or at least fractured, some of my ribs. If I was still a bully, I would've surely recruited that guy as one of my minions. But as I said, I was a changed man. 

While resting, I decided to scroll through Naver. I eventually came across something that was really popular. It was called the Shuttle Patch Rankings. I was curious so I clicked it.

To my shock, I was Rank 1. The guy who I had fought earlier was now Rank 2. 

I quickly read through the forums to see exactly how famous this guy. Apparently this guy had never lost a single battle...not until he lost to me. He had been known as someone undefeatable.

I was the first person to ever defeat Donald Na.

I didn't want to be Rank 1! There were probably going to be a lot of challengers trying to defeat me now and claim that my win against Donald Na was a fluke! I didn't want to deal with any more fighting! I just wanted to study and get into a good university!

This wasn't supposed to fucking happen! 

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