Myles' Excommunication

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"It has come to my attention," Donald announced during a meeting. "That someone here has been in contact with Manwol," 

Myles tensed up but kept a poker face. 'How does Donald know about me making deal with Manwol!? I only told Forrest! Don't tell me...that bastard betrayed me!'

"Kingsley has gathered the photos that my spies had taken," Donald tossed the folder into the center of the table and the photos spilled out. 

In every single one of the photo was Myles Joo talking to a Manwol member.

"So," Donald glared at Myles. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

'Stay calm. Play it cool,' Myles smirked. "I'm so flattered that you decided to have your spies stalk me. I know that I'm very attractive and irresistible,"

Donald cringed. "Hey Jake, my spies also reported that they saw Myles and Kenny making out," He showed the photo to the orange haired teen. 

Jake immediately lunged across the table and began to strangle Myles. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!"

"I...believe the correct...term is..." Myles rasped. "Brotherfucker..."


"See, Kingsley," Donald said. "I don't have to get my hands dirty to deal with that traitor,"

Who is the #1 Kyles shipper: Scorpion or Donald?

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