Cassandra Na (Stance)

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"What do you plan to do?" Dad Kwan asked when they got home.

"I'm keeping it," Cassie immediately answered. "Not just following through the whole pregnancy, but I want to also raise it,"

"Cassandra," Mom Kwan addressed. "Why would you want to keep it?"

That questioned angered Cassie. "Why wouldn't I want to keep my own child!?"

"That's not what I meant," Mom Kwan sighed. "You've already spent most of your childhood caring for Donald. You still have your senior year of high school and then your university years. Juggling parenthood and your studies and will be tough,"

Cassie dug her nails into the palms of her hands. "I know. I know it'll be hard, but I can't bring myself to give up this child. I understand that there's a stigma against being an teenage mother, so I'm willing to move out to avoid drawing negative attention to your family—"

"No!" Donald hugged his big sister tightly. "Don't leave! If you leave, I'll leave too!"

"Donald, you need to stay here with the Kwan's," Cassie told him.

"Ahem," Dad Kwan cleared his throat. "No one's leaving. Cassie, if you really want to keep this child, then we'll help you,"

Cassie looked away. "I don't want to be a burden. You guys have already done so much for me and Donny,"

"We consider you both to be part of our family too," Kingsley spoke up. "Please don't leave,"

"If...if you guys really want me and my child to stay," Cassie said. "Then I'll stay,"

"Do you know who the father is?" Mom Kwan asked gently.

"I met him at a club in Mapo," Cassie recalled. "He had black hair and blue eyes. His name was...Changhui,"

"No last name?"

Cassie shook her head. "He only gave me his first name and I didn't push for a last name,"

"It'll be tough to find him," Mom Kwan sighed. "He might not even be in Mapo anymore if he was just visiting that club like you and your friends were,"

"If we do find him," Cassie's voice grew quiet. "What if he wants nothing to do with my child?"

"Then we'll at least force him to cough up child support," Donald suggested. "We'll use the money to make sure my niece or nephew gets the best of everything,"

Cassie smiled and patted her brother's head. "You'll be a great uncle,"

"I'll be the best uncle!"


Cassie managed to find Changhui in Mapo just as he was exiting a large octagon-shaped building with a young red haired boy with him. Despite only having met once that fateful night, Changhui immediately recognized the woman with pale skin, blonde hair, and red eyes.

"Cassie?" Changhui questioned. "What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you," Cassie took a deep breath and decided to be blunt. "I'm pregnant. It's yours. Do you want to be part of my child's life or do you want to terminate your parental rights?"

Changhui froze up and didn't know how to respond.

"Uh-oh," Gijoo said. "You broke Changhui,"

Donald, who had been tailing his sister with Kingsley, jumped out of his hiding spot and charged at Changhui. "You asshole!" 

Changhui's instincts allowed him to dodge the punch. The twelve year old redhead tackled the eleven year old vampire and the two began to fight.

"Donald stop!" Cassie tried to separate them.

Changhui snapped out of his daze.  "Gijoo, that's enough,"

"Donald, are you alright?" Cassie knelt down to check her brother for wounds.

"I'm fine," Donald mumbled as Kingsley walked over to them. Kingsley's presence helped calm him down.

"What about you?" Cassie turned to Gijoo. "Are you okay too?"

"Yeah," Gijoo nodded.

"So Changhui," Cassie turned back to the blue eyed man. "What's your answer?"

"Can I have some time to think about it?" Changhui requested.

"Sure," Cassie nodded and pulled Donald away when the child tried to lunge at Changhui again. "Donald, Kingsley, we're going home,"

"You should at least exchange numbers," Kingsley reminded. "That way you can schedule when you want to meet up again to hear Changhui Han's decision,"

The two teenagers awkwardly exchanged numbers before parting ways.


"Joowon, I don't know what to do," Changhui laid down on one of the sofas.

"You can stop laying around and do your share of paperwork," Joowon deadpanned from his desk.

"On one hand, I want to be a father," Changhui said. "I can picture myself marrying Cassie and raising our kid together,"

"You literally only met her once at a bar, shared a few drinks, and fucked," Joowon reminded.

"But on the other hand, I don't think I'm cut out to be a father," Changhui groaned. "I don't think I'm good fatherly material. I mean, I'm in a gang for fuck's sake,"

Joowon sighed. "I'm gonna be frank with you—"

"You're Joowon, not Frank,"

"Shut up," Joowon pinched the bridge of his nose. "Do you actually want to be a father?"

"Yeah," Changhui nodded. 

"Take care of Gijoo for twenty four hours," Joowon ordered. "He's twelve, but I'll tell him to be chaotic. You'll experience part of what it's like to be a father,"

"Does Gijoo have actual parents?" Changhui inquired.

"No, he just showed up at Cheongang out of nowhere and no one bothered to shoo him away,"

The original version was for Cassie not be able to find Changhui and for six years Callum grows up without a father. They would've managed to find out about Changhui when Callum is playing soccer at the park and Kenny comments "I never knew Changhui Han had a son,"
Here's a drawing I made of Cassie:

 They would've managed to find out about Changhui when Callum is playing soccer at the park and Kenny comments "I never knew Changhui Han had a son,"Here's a drawing I made of Cassie:

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

This is her as an adult.

Donald Na X Gravy [And Other Short Stories]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें