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Once upon a time, there lived two princes: Kenny Ji and Jake Ji. Kenny had the special power to create and manipulate ice and snow. Not wanting their son to be ostracized, the boys' parents told Kenny to keep his powers a secret from the rest of the kingdom.

One night, Jake woke his big brother up in the middle of the night. "Kenny, let's play!"

Kenny gave the younger boy a death glare. "'s two in the fucking morning!"

Three year old Jake gasped.  "I'm telling Mom and Dad that you said a bad word!"

"Go ahead, I don't fucking care," Kenny pulled his blanket back on. "I just want to sleep,"

Jake pouted, having expected Kenny to panic instead. "Kenny!" Jake tugged the blanket off  once again. "Come on big bro! Let's play!"

Kenny got out of bed, shoved Jake into the hallway, and froze his door. He then happily returned to sleep.

"Kenny!" Jake cried as he banged his tiny fists on the door.

"Go to sleep, Jake,"

But Jake didn't want to sleep. He wanted to play. Sleeping was boring. He took a deep breath and began to sing loud enough for Kenny to hear. "Do you wanna build a snowman?"


"Come on let's go and play,"

"Why haven't our parents noticed that you aren't in bed anymore?" Kenny mumbled. 

"I never see you anymore. Come out the door,"

"We literally just ate dinner with the rest of the family and played before bedtime," Kenny added more ice to the door so he wouldn't hear Jake's singing.

"It's like you've gone away,"

Kenny's eyes flew open when he noticed the singing wasn't coming from the hallway now, but outside his window. He opened the window and saw his little brother holding onto a poorly made rope that was about to tear. Just as it snapped, Kenny formed an ice slide to catch Jake and pull him into the room.

"You dumbass!" Kenny yelled. "You could've gotten hurt! And how the fuck did you even get there that fast!?" 'And where the fuck are the guards and our parents!?'

"Yay!" The toddler cheered. "You're up now so let's play!"

"I love my family very much but sometimes you piss me off..." Kenny groaned.

Kenny just wants to sleep.

An alternative version would be Forrest as Elsa, Grape as Anna, Wolf as Hans, and Eunchan as Kristoff.

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