Silver the Cat Part I

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This is not a sequel to Gray's Cat. This is more of an alternate version of Donald being transformed into a cat.

Gray had brought a cat home. The poor thing was covered in wounds and had been walking in the rain. Gray wasn't heartless to just ignore the cat and took him home. After doing some quick research, he cleaned up the cat and tended to the cat's wounds.

The cat was large and had silvery white fur with blood red eyes that seemed to have intelligence behind them. He stared at Gray for a while before deeming that he wasn't a threat. He curled up on the couch.

"You need a name," Gray said. 

'It better not be an embarrassing name like Mr. Fluffy,' The cat, who was actually Donald Na after being cursed by a witch, thought.


'That's acceptable,' Donald agreed. 'This kid doesn't seem to be overly affectionate so I think I'll stay here until Kingsley captures the witch and finds a way to reverse this curse,'

Gray began to prepare some food for himself and the cat. He set some down in a plate for Donald. At first, Donald was repulsed by the raw meat but decided that because he was currently in a cat's body, it was safer for him to follow a cat diet rather than a human one since some human foods were toxic to cats. Surprisingly, the raw meat tasted delicious to him.

Once they were both done eating, Gray brought Donald up to his room and gave Donald his own pillow to sleep on. He also prepared a cardboard box with shredded newspaper to be used as a litter box.

'Fuck,' Donald realized. 'If I have to use the bathroom, I'll have to use a litter box,' If he could reach the doorknob to the bathroom, he'd use the toilet instead.

If Gray were to ever find out that Silver was actually Donald Na, Donald decided that he'd have to either pay him off or threaten him to keep his mouth shut.


The next couple days were pretty relaxing for Donald. He mostly spent his days napping, roaming the house, exploring outside, or watching TV. Yeah, he could watch TV as long as he had the remote. I mean, he had the intelligence to understand how it worked and all he had to do was press buttons. Gray wasn't fazed at all by Donald watching TV and just told him to turn it off when he wasn't using it.

Donald enjoyed Gray's pets. They weren't too soft nor were they too rough. To his embarrassment, he actually purred whenever he was petted.

One day, Gray told Donald that he was going to bring some friends over to work on a group project. Donald hissed at Ben Park when he saw the red haired teen enter through the door. 'How dare Ben Park intrude upon my territory!?'

"I didn't know you had a cat," Ben reached out to pet him.

Donald scratched at Ben's hand and drew blood. "I don't like you!"

"That's Silver," Gray introduced his pet. "I found him injured and in the rain,"

Teddy gently reached out and scratched Donald behind his ears, earning a meow of approval. 'This blondie has the scent of two kittens on him. He's a cat owner so he knows how to treat cats,'

"By the way, apparently Donald Na is missing," Ben brought up. "He hasn't been seen anywhere in Yeongdeungpo, not even at Yeo-Il High School,"

Donald walked over to Ben and started swiping and him. "Get out! Go away! This is my house!"

"Silver, don't attack Ben," Gray picked Donald up and placed him on his lap. He petted him to calm him down.

"I don't want him in my house," It was technically Gray's house, but as a cat owner, Gray should know that everything actually belonged to the cat.


Throughout the entire time the Eungang were at Gray's house, Donald glared at Ben. If Ben came within scratching range, Donald would swipe his claws at him. When Gray got up to use the bathroom, Donald tried to jump at Ben's face and gouge his eyes out, only for Teddy to quickly calm him down with some pets.

"Maybe I should bring my kittens, Co and Sprite, here to meet Silver," Teddy pondered out loud.

"Normally I would hate having to babysit someone else's pets since I don't know you or them that well," Donald responded although it was heard by the humans as meows. "But since there's not much for me to do while I'm a cat, I'll be fine with it,"

Donald decided to take a cat nap. Ben thought this would be a good time to try to get Silver to grow comfortable around him and tried to pet him...only for Donald to immediately awaken and attack Ben.

"Bitch, get your fucking hands off of me!" Donald hissed.

"Cats usually like me," Ben whined.

"I honestly find that very hard to believe," Donald growled. "You're more of an energetic golden retriever like Jake,"

There was a rapping at the door, which sounded like a cat scratching. Gray opened the door and a cat with maroonish-red fur and grey eyes entered. He walked over to Donald and meowed. "I located the witch that cursed you but...she cursed me too,"

"I can see that," Donald nuzzled against Kingsley. "Let's wait and hopefully this spell wears off,"

"Hey Gray, your cat has a boyfriend now," Ben said.

"SHUT UP!" Silver scratched at Ben's face.

So in this version, Kingsley's now also a cat and he's named Red.

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