Yandere Hyunjin

276 20 15

SPOILER ALERT: This one-shot contains spoilers for Ch 143.

"Are the songs coming along well?" Jinwoo inquired.


"Can we hear them?" Jinwoo requested. "Just one song, maybe? I wanna get a grasp of the concept,"

"Not yet," Hyunjin refused. "You know how I work,"

"Of course.." Jinwoo sweat-dropped. "You never share the music until you're one hundred percent satisfied...except when it comes to Gerard,"

"Of course Gerard gets to listen to it beforehand since he's the lead singer," Hyunjin claimed.

"As long as you finish them by this summer, it's all good," Jinwoo said. "What we need to talk about today is finding gigs. Lately, it's been hard enough just getting enough money for us to rehears together. That's why I was thinking maybe we could work with an agent," He held up the business card. "But first, we need to know what everyone thinks. Gerard and I think it's a good idea,"

"Fuck no," Hyunjin immediately refused. "You think just any agent is good enough for my Gerard?"

"Oh no..." Gerard covered his face with his hand. "Here he goes again,"

"My Gerard has high standards," Hyunjin continued. "If he weren't in the band, then I'd probably agree. But my Gerard deserves only the best, not...whatever Sinma Entertainment is. Besides, if we work with Sinma, we'll have to do what they want whenever they tell us to do it. I will not have my Gerard be ordered around like a mutt,"

"Hyunjin," Gerard sighed. "Our money is tight. We can barely afford the practice room and gear,"

"I'll help pay for them," Hyunjin offered. "I can cover the practice room's rent each month," His expression darkened when he saw Gerard's injured finger. "Hey Gerard...what happened to your finger?"

"I got into a fight," 

Hyunjin began to emit a terrifying aura. "Who hurt you?"

"It doesn't ma—"

"Who hurt you?"

"I already beat them up," Gerard shrugged. "I didn't care enough to get their names,"

Hyunjin kissed Gerard's hand. "I'll avenge you,"

"Please don't," Gerard sighed. "You nearly killed them last time,"

"I won't nearly kill them this time," Hyunjin smiled innocently. "I'll actually kill them,"

Gerard groaned. "Jinwoo, we might not be able to audition this summer if Hyunjin gets arrested,"

"Relax, Gerard," Hyunjin assured him. "Money is power and my parents are loaded,"

Gerard just face-palmed.


Hyunjin hated the band's fans. Yes, they were a popular band so fans would obviously flock around them, but Hyunjin hated how close they got to Gerard. Gerard Jin was his and his alone.

Normally, Hyunjin would pick them off one by one, but that would leave Gerard with no fans at all which would sadden him. So, Hyunjin stuck with glaring and imagining the fans' brutal deaths.

On the way home, Hyunjin would possessively wrap and arm around his boyfriend while scaring off anyone trying to approach his Gerard. 


"So what you're saying is you can't improve the terms of our contract or pay us more," Hyunjin sent a death glare towards Director Shin and the manager. "You bastards dare to cheat my Gerard out of his hard earned money!?"

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