Kyles Joi Family Vlogs: Into the PokéVerse

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This is part of the FanCornverse.

"Hey everyone, welcome to Kyles Joi Family Vlogs!" Myles greeted. "We decided to take go on hiatus for Fanfiction Corner. So instead, we'll be doing family vlogs. If you're new to our channel, I'm Myles Joo. This is my boyfriend, Kenny Ji," 

"Yo," Kenny smiled at the camera.




-Kenny lookin cute as always

-And hot at the same time

"Back off," Myles deadpanned. "He's my boyfriend,"

"Getting a little possessive there My-My," Kenny smirked.

"I'm sure you'd be possessive too if someone commented those things about me," Myles mumbled before moving the camera to film Grape. "This is our eldest son, Grape,"

"I'm only here for the free stuff," Grape took a bite out of his grape jelly sandwich.

"And this is our youngest son Sam Joo with our pet Torkoal, Fireball,"

"Hi!" The five year old boy sat on top of Fireball's shell and waved at the camera. "I'm Sam! I'm five years old!"

"Tor, Torkoal, Tor," Fireball let out a stream of black smoke from his nostrils, indicating his happiness.

"Today's vlog is about us getting a new addition to the family," Myles announced.


-Obviously KENNY'S pregnant!

Myles blushed when he read the mpreg comments. "No! Neither me nor Kenny are pregnant!" 'Though I'm pretty sure that is possible in one of the other universes,' "We're getting another family pet!"


-Yeah that makes more sense

-Mpreg is impossible in Universe F-83457

Myles' eyes widened when he read that last comment. 'Another dimensional traveler!?' He blinked and the comment had been deleted. 'Maybe I misread it? Even if it is another dimensional traveler, as long as they're not a Dimensional Slayer then we should be fine,'

"Myles, you alright?" Kenny asked, noticing his boyfriend had grown silent.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine," Myles assured him before continuing the stream. "A few weeks ago we temporarily took care of a cute little dog we found until we reunited him with his owner. Sam was sad at Pancakes' departure, so after some thinking, we decided that Sam can have his own pet,"

-What about Fireball?

-Poor Fireball

"Fireball isn't forgotten," Myles told them. "He's still part of the family. We just want to expand the family,"

"Torkoal, Tor," Fireball nodded in agreement.

"So let's go get a new pet!"

-Wait they aren't just gonna go to a pet store?

-It's Kyles Joi Fanfiction Corner

-What did you expect?


Myles brought his boyfriend and kids over to Universe P-01998, which was one of the many universes in the multiverse that had Pokémon. This also happened to be the same universe that Fireball and Biollante were from but had somehow ended up in the FanCornverse many years ago. 

"Alright Sam, is there a certain type of Pokémon that you want specifically?" Myles asked.

"I dunno," He shrugged.

"Then we'll go exploring until you find a Pokémon to be your partner," Myles said. 

"What if a Pokémon attacks us?" Grape asked, a bit shocked that they had literally just traveled to a whole other universe. 

"We have Fireball," Kenny reminded. "He's pretty strong,"

"Have you ever had him fight a real Pokémon battle?" Grape pointed out. "And not against Biollante,"

"Not a real Pokémon battle, but he does a good job protecting my family's house from intruders," Kenny recalled. "He always gives them third degree burns while making sure not to damage the house too badly,"

"Myles, do you have any Pokémon?" Grape inquired.

"I actually traveled throughout the Pokémon world when I was younger," Myles recalled. "Forrest and Robin were with me too. We each got a starter Pokémon,"

"Who was your starter?"

"Turtwig," Myles recalled the fond memories of his childhood. "We beat all the gyms but I never had an interest to go against the Elite Four or the champion. After he became a Torterra, he fell in love with another Torterra so I released him," He shifted through the photos on his phone. "This is Warnado,"

"Maybe we'll bump into him while we're here," Kenny said.

Myles smiled. "Maybe,"

Warnado is named after the Skylander who is an air-elemental turtle.
Myles named Warnado's girlfriend "Venus de Milo" after the female mutant turtle in Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation.

What Pokémon do you think Sam will get? 

If Grape also gets a Pokémon, which one do you think he'll get?

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