Escape And Love

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"We need a couple of people to go out into the Maze at night to check out the Griever hole," Thomas says, looking each of the Runners in the eye, including you.

Minho called for a Runner Gathering, trying to figure out how to find out of the Griever hole is a way out. At Thomas' statement, the rest of the Runners reluctantly agree, which surprises you.

"Yeah, and that's why we need our two best Runners to go," Minho says. You expect him to say that him and Thomas would be going out, but his next words surprise you. "Thomas and Y/N."

"Wait, what?" you say, raising your eyebrows.

"You both have surpassed me in just a few days with your running abilities. You two need to go out there and figure out what we're really up against," Minho explains, smirking.

So, that's what happens. Everyone helps you prepare for venturing out into the Maze with only each other to help. They give you food, plenty of water, and as much support as they can.

Now, you have a huge crush on Thomas. Usually, you would kill for a whole night alone with him, but not now, not when all you'll be doing is escaping the Grievers. While you're scared for your life, you won't be wanted to snuggle up to your crush.

You look at your watch. It's time for the doors to close, meaning you and Thomas have to go. The rest of the Gladers see you off, waving at you as the doors close, knowing very well that this could be the last time they'll ever see you.

Then they're gone, behind the walls, able to live without fear, while you're trapped in the scariest place in the world. You look at Thomas, eyes wide in fear. "Are you sure we can do this?"

He looks almost calm. He's done this once before, but that could have been pure luck keeping him alive. "Don't be scared, Y/N. You're fast, you're strong, and you're buggin' smart. We will be okay."

A screech erupts from deep in the Maze. A Griever. Your heart starts racing, making panic surge through your veins.

"We just have to last long enough until the Grievers start heading back to their hole. They won't attack when they're doing that. We can follow them and watch them go in, and then we'll have about an hour to discuss what we see," he explains. He's confident, and you're next to him quivering like a scared mouse.

Another screech, this time sounding a lot closer than the last one.

"Relax," he says, holding your hand to calm you down. Somehow, it works.

"Before we die," you start, and he scolds you a little bit, but you continue, "I want you to know that I have a crush on you."

Thomas grins, a sparkle in his eye, and leans down to tenderly kiss your lips. And then the screeches and groans are ten feet away from you.

"Run, Y/N, run!" he yells. You book it down the long corridor, following him. The Griever is right on your tail; you're losing distance. "We have to split up! Let it follow me!"

You do as he says. He turns right and you turn left, but the Griever is still following you. You climb a wall and the Griever slows down, but is still following you. You jump, grabbing another wall, then fall, running until the monster is out of sight. You find Thomas again and run with him until morning comes. You're alive! The Grievers didn't kill you!

You follow Thomas, who follows the Grievers, and they start entering their hole. Bingo.

You did it. You and Thomas did it. While you both sit down on the side of a wall, eating the breakfast Frypan gave you, you talk over the plan for leaving the Maze. You agree on it and you decide to let Thomas explain it to the Gladers.

"Now I'm really glad we didn't die," he says, smirking at you.

"Why?" you ask.

"So I can do this all the time," he whispers, kissing you.

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