Start from the beginning

Shit. I looked up at my sister-in law and cousin with my mouth wide open. My body went stiff with confusion. My eyes darted from the box, to the girls, and back to the box again.

“Go on, open it.” Annalise encouraged.

I swallowed.

The box wasn’t too difficult to pry open, but what caught my attention was the smaller, velvety black box inside. Obviously, the gift was jewelry, that much was easy to guess. Sounds of encouraging mewling came from the girls and hesitantly—very slowly— I opened it.

At the sight, my breath hitched in my throat and my heart skipped a beat.  The accessory almost blinded me with its immense beauty, shining before me in all its glory. The necklace looked incredibly expensive— more expensive than anything currently in my collection. That was really saying something since my mother had no problem spoiling me or my siblings in everything materialistic.

“Wow, he really knows what a girl likes,” Sophia breathed in astonishment.

I had to give him that one. No way to hide my appreciation of his tastes.

“It’s so beautiful, do you like it Isabella?” Annalise asked, never taking her eyes off the necklace. 

My first thought to her question was a basic: yes. It’s gorgeous.

My fingers traced over the jewels slowly and nervously. It was…really, really pretty. But there was one major defect with it, one that could not be ignored— Anthony had sent it to me. I did not want to be his fiancée or his wife.

Accepting the gift would be almost like accepting him.

I swallowed thickly, “I don’t want to marry him.”  It’s not like everyone didn’t know it already but somehow speaking the words made me feel a bit stronger.

The girls stopped their fawning over the necklace and grew serious. “Isabella, you can’t change that. Besides, it’s not for a few more years.  In the meantime just enjoy the gift he sent you for Valentine’s Day.” Annalise tried to sound reassuring but she was failing.

This was not okay…not ever. This situation, my life, it wasn’t his, it was mine. My father had no right to do this and no matter how many necklaces or earrings or gifts Anthony sent— it would still not be okay. Not getting rid of it would only serve to remind me on a daily basis of my impending future of doom.  Even the engagement ring had been too much which was why it was currently in my mother’s possession for safe keeping.

“There’s a note, maybe you should read it,” Annalise picked up a paper in the brown box and handed it to me.

Isabella Marie Martin Del Campo,

I hope you are having a wonderful Valentine’s Day and are finding yourself in good health. It is my deep regret that I cannot be there in person to show you a good time. However, please take this small token as a sign of my faithfulness to you. Even though there is great distance between us, be assured you are always on my mind. I will see you soon, until then please take care of yourself.

Always Yours, Anthony Romero

I read the note about 10 times before I finally managed to look back up at the girls. They looked at me expectantly and after a minute of dawning silence Sophia extended her hand, snatching the letter away. They quickly read over it and Annalise shrieked with absolute delight.

“He sounds so romantic,” Annalise squealed.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” More than bitter sarcasm laced my tone. She could not possibly be that stupid. Had she not seen Anthony, did she not know who was? That man screamed the complete opposite of romantic.

“You’re being too dramatic Isabella, he is going to be your husband one day. A lot of women would kill to have their husbands do gestures like these,” she used her matter-of-fact no bullshit tone that really only ever worked on my brother and always made me want to throttle her.

“What has you girls all riled up?” My brother’s voice cut like a double edge sword in that moment as it managed to slice through the deep aura of murder that had slowly begun to surround me.

The way they looked at me— like I was the crazy one— it pissed me the fuck off.

“Your little sister is being very un-appreciative,” my sister-in-law looked at me with a displeased look, like she was so disappointed in me.

I could give a rat’s ass in fucking hell about what she was disappointed in.

“If you like it so much Annalise, you can keep it.”  I didn’t even try to hide my anger.

“Keep what?” Armando, now beside us, gave me a warning look. He always knew when I was on the brink of explosion. If only he knew how to shut up his bitch of a wife.

“Anthony sent her a very expensive present for Valentine’s Day…and this,” Sophia finally spoke again but her tone was highly amused. She handed him the note.

Armando’s expression seemed just as pissed off like my own once he finished reading the letter. We were two of a kind and bound by blood…it was inevitable that he’d be on my side.

“He’s an asshole.” His eyes darkened. And that is why I loved him.

My first instinct was to hug him but Annalise was much too close for my liking.

“At least I’m not the only one who sees him for what he is,” there was no fight left in my tone, only resignation.

“If you don’t want it, I’ll keep it.” Sophia snatched the velvety black box into her hands and I shrugged.

I really didn’t care.

MAFIA POSSESSION  ( Completed) Where stories live. Discover now