Chapter 1 - My 14th birthday

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Looking at myself in the mirror I studied
  my reflection.  I exhaled a long surrendering sigh into the quiet that was my bedroom. I kept telling myself to keep it together, I had to be strong; I am Isabella Martin del Campo, my father is capo to the New York Mob.

Strength ran deep in my blood and I could make absolutely no exceptions; I had to be strong.

Weakness was always discovered, exploited, and used to destroy a person. If I stood any chance of getting out of my current situation, of convincing my father, of holding up any type of stance against the wolves he wanted to throw me to— I had to be strong.

I wasn’t ugly. My hair was almost pitch black and had natural loose curls, I had silky smooth olive toned skin, dark green eyes and I wasn’t fat. The only thing missing was the long legs and breasts. I just turned 14 years old today, they hadn’t quite developed yet.

I wasn’t even a woman. I was a child, a scared child.

Today was my birthday and downstairs  were my guests. Soon my father would summon me and the long night of festivities would commence.  Today, if I couldn’t convince my father otherwise, the end of my short life would begin.

I guess I should re-wind a bit to explain myself. I wasn’t supposed to know these things, with good purpose as I was all but having a mental break down. But I did know— I had over-heard my guards talking a few nights ago when they thought I had fallen asleep.

I had wanted to go downstairs for a night snack, something that I did often, but they didn’t see me. I had heard my name and so was intrigued; I hid behind the wall, listening as they gossiped like old women with nothing better to do, with no lives of their own.

Except that the gossip was good. If it hadn’t been about me I probably would have told my little sister, asked my brother, maybe even dared to ask my mother about it.

But this gossip had been torturing me for the last four days.   It seemed everyone knew, my mother hadn’t been able to look me straight in the eyes, my brother had cancelled our weekly movie night, and I just knew it….I was certain

I didn’t know much about the business, but I knew enough to know that the Romero’s controlled the familia in Los-Angeles. From glimpses of conversations over-heard from both my father and brother, I knew that they were barely sustaining the alliance that had come from the marriage of my aunt on my father’s side.

My father and brother, I knew that they were barely sustaining the alliance that had come from the marriage of my aunt on my father’s side. She had married to a captain from Los-Angeles over a decade ago, but the family’s power had shifted.  Anthony along with his brother’s did most of the dirty work and it was rumored that he was not easily appeased with rivals and didn’t take threats lightly.

A year ago business had been conducted in Los-Angeles’ turf without authorization (one of my father’s captains had died for that mistake by my brother’s own hand in punishment) and their familia had rained a bloodbath in one of my father’s clubs in retaliation short after. It continued and things after only got more heated, they were on the brink of war.

A peace that had slowly been disintegrating in the last 10 years was almost as good non-existent. 

But my father didn’t want this. He was a logical man, immensely dedicated to the familia; he didn’t away shy away from death and blood, but he knew that logically it was best to be politically correct— as a result he had somehow fancy talked his way into meetings with the Romero’s. Men who were not easily swayed, men whose loyalty was not easily given.
The last few months I had simply thought my father had managed to control the situation, appease them somehow— I thought maybe they had found some type of common ground.  And then I realized I was right…but that common ground was me. Well, me, the Russians and the Irish. At least that’s what my guard’s had said.

The reason why the Romero’s had agreed to the new alliance was because if there was anything the Los-Angeles familia hated more than the New York familia, it was the damned Russians and Irish.

And so the Romero’s consented to the alliance and my father had managed to talk himself out of a war, probably saving quite a few Made Men in the process.

Father hadn’t deemed it important that I know the real reason for their attendance— the only thing I was to do today was impress my guests, look flawless, and be completely obedient.  Literally, those were my instructions. My mother had well delivered them to me with a silent warning of what would happen if I didn’t do well tonight.

My reflection in the mirror spoke loudly of how utterly defeated I felt. I was to celebrate my 14th birthday today…as well as my arranged marriage to Anthony Romero, the future capo of the Los-Angeles mob…my future husband.

My father and mother thought it was for the best, my brother, his Captain’s and Made Men certainly thought so.  My father’s word was law; he was capo of the New York mob. He was a ruthless murderer who always put the needs of the familia first.

All I could think about though, even now as I studied the sadness in my green eyes, was how on earth I could convince him otherwise. What could I say that would convince the cold man that was my father that marrying me off to Anthony was the worst possible idea ever?

I didn’t even have an argument. ‘I’m your daughter,’ seemed to be a weak one.

“Isabella, you look amazing.” My little sister said, almost breathless as she walked into my room. She was only 2 years younger than me, but I knew her beauty one day would exceed mine.

“Mother sent me to come get you. Everyone is downstairs waiting for you.” She said a bit nervously biting her lip in a cute way. These parties always made her nervous and she always hated to attend them.

“Okay, let’s go then.” I said, barely a whisper. My stomach felt heavy and a sense a dread fell upon me. I knew all the reasons why my father wanted me to marry Anthony. I knew that my arguments would most likely be rebuffed.

Today was the beginning of the end of my short life

. please review it it's my first chapter and yes all suggestions are appreciated

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