Chapter 29

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After a while, you start to get used to the seasickness among other things. From a giant summoning animal with a stubborn fisher after it to a mushroom take over that made me hate mushrooms for a while to Guy's seasickness that is still going on and starting to make me sick even after I got used to the consistent wobbling of the boat. There were many obstacles that have already past and I'm curious if there would be any more on our way. We even ran into Sakura picking up herbs for the war as we had to take a break for Guy to recover even Yamato and Aobo got sick, but of course we didn't tell Naruto that the herbs were for the medical wing of the upcoming war. It felt wrong keeping this from him, he should actually be the one to decide for his self but this is also to keep him safe so I can't argue with these orders that we were given. Kakashi even asked Lady Tsunade to keep me out of the war and here in the village, but I quickly denied and said I wanted to at least have some part in this war and not just sit and do nothing. That was how I was assigned this mission, as much as I hate not being where the actual action would be, I had no other choice. Lady Hokage even put extra precautions on my stomach for the little bean in there. It's just a small barrier to protect it and keep it healthy no matter what happens. 

"I give up then, where are they then?" Naruto asked Shikamaru as he and TenTen had come to bring us supplies. "Right here," TenTen said opening a scroll and releasing its contents. The pile of weapons was about to fall onto Naruto when I simply just kicked him in the back making him fall forward and face plant beside the pile. "Thanks Hira-sensei, but did you have to be so harsh?" The blonde grumbled from the floor, "Not really, anyway, let's get these weapons inside." I said going to pick up some of the pile as the rest followed helping me carry the things in. 

By the time we had everything inside it was dark and a thick fog started to appear and surround us. Guy soon came out of his room seeming to feel much better. Does it have something to do with this sudden fog? I watched the waters ahead waiting for something appear, knowing something was coming but unsure what it could be. "This fog is really dense, I can't see a thing," Guy said at the front of the ship with Naruto walking towards him. "It's taken you this long to notice that, seasickness has made you dense." Naruto spoke gaining a snort from me, "True that." I said just as the ship roughly rocked back and froth making Guy fall back taking Naruto overboard with him. Luckily Shikamaru reacted quick and used his Shadow strangle Jutsu to grab the two. 

It wasn't long after the two was safe that the boat shook, I glanced down the side of the boat seeing rocks. "There's rocks all around the boat!" I called out looking at Yamato and Aoba as maybe they had a clue as to why. "There aren't suppose to be any reef systems around here," Aoba said confirming my fears. We hit another rock making the boat bounce on the waters. "I can't avoid those rocks," The captain said trying really hard to manoeuvre the boat around the many rocks surrounding us. 

"You can leave this one to me, Leave burning Youth," Guy said before basically flying off the ship and smashing the rocks before us. "He's going crazy," Shikamaru said making me sigh as how normal this had started to feel for me. "That's Guy-sensei for you," TenTen muttered as the two teens looked at the man smashing rocks until he jumped back onto the boat giving his signature smile and thumbs up. Just as we thought we were safe Naruto pointed out a large rock up ahead, Guy tried to crush it too but instead got waisted. I watched the scene unfold, Shikamaru took control of the situation and called Yamato forth to use his wood style and push us away from the rock. I jumped down to the water using chakra feet to retrieve Guy floating defeated in the water. "Sometimes, I wonder where you would be without me, ya big dummy," I said pulling him along as I ran back to the ship and got back on. 

Aoba performed CPR of Guy as I walked up to the front as they prepare to attack the giant world pool that had suddenly appeared before us, Naruto leapt off the boat with a faint Rasengan as he was tied to a rope. I sprinted over to Yamato helping him fifth the rope as I could see he was somewhat exhausted from saving us earlier. We made quick to pull Naruto back on Shikamaru's order. 

It felt like we were in a loop... Genjutsu perhaps. As they kept dodging rocks and destroying world pools, I watched as Shikamaru focused on what to do. We were going in circles this whole time. 

Shikamaru was quick to think on his feet as we were approaching yet another world pool, he had TenTen use a scroll to store the ship in as to lure the perps out right towards us. I gotta say Asuma, you taught some fine shinobi. I smiled wickedly as we stood on the water with chakra beneath our feet waiting for them to come. 

"Huh, where's the debris?" one voice called as we watched them come in on boats.

"Oh I get it, their treasure must've been so heavy it sank all the way to the bottom." an idiot said afterwards as the fog started lifting. " So every one of you on Mokuzu Island is a thief is that right?" Shikamaru asked standing ahead of us, I smiled at the boy. He really is a genius. "Huh, who are you?" one of the thieves spoke as the started to completely vaporize. "If you want our treasure so badly, you'll have to come take it from us." the Nara boy said as the fog finally completely lifted revealing all of us. As they got ready to take us on, "Don't be afraid, they're completely exhausted from handling all of our traps!" The leader it seems yelled to the men in boats. "Don't underestimate us!" Shikamaru yelled back, "Yeah, at least give us a good fight for that trouble you put us through." I yelled at them feeling angry that they had made us go through all these annoying obstacles just to think we're weak and unworthy to fight whilst they are the actual ones who are weak and cowards. 

"TenTen!" Shikamaru called over to the girl making her unravel the scroll with the boat in it. the boat landed right on them making me pout, "Aww mannnn, I wanted to fight." I muttered kicking the water beneath me like a child. It felt like years had gone by without a fight.

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