Chapter 41

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As I was still sitting on the ground after my brothers left me to go to Kabuto, who was stuck in Itachi's Jutsu, I watched them interact.  When Itachi glowed a small tear rolled down my cheek knowing what this meant, I wanted to run over and give him a hug, but I could see that he and Sasuke still had things to talk about. But as the two were about to hug I staggered over, trying to fight the tears that were leaking from my eyes one by one.

"I will love you, always..." He said laying his head against Sasuke's, as he stared surprised at our brother, they barely had a moment before a bright beam of light appeared from Itachi to the sky. I watched as a translucent image of him was being pulled out of his body, well the body sacrificed for this Jutsu. He smiled at my brother before turning to me, "I love you too my sister, and I will be watching over you and your child." he said making my body shake as I cried, "I love you too, brother." I said as I went over to Sasuke and slung my arm around him. "I'll be sure to keep my promise this time," I said as he gave me a closed-eyed smile making it even harder to keep my sobs at bay. 

As the room fell quiet I heard Sasuke speak, "What am I..." he started but was interrupted as a piece of the ceiling sunk in front of us making us jump back a bit, I was on edge as I wiped my tears away and grabbed at the handle of my katana's ready for anything. But as soon as the image of Suigetsu and Jūgo my stiff muscles relax a bit, but my hands stayed on the handles for in case they were here to hurt one of us, but instead they casually talked to Sasuke and as he explained what was happening I felt a sudden shiver run down my spine. Kakashi... 

I looked at Sasuke, "I have to go, you better come help us fight out there." I said starting to make hand signs, "Hn, don't tell me what to do." He simply said, but I saw a small ghost of a smile appear on his face. I know he's unsure about who he should be fighting, but I know that deep down he already knows the answer. "Always trying to at so cool," I said before I felt my body being transported like it was being pulled from one and planted y another place. 

As the smoke cleared I stood behind Kakashi as he was talking to Naruto and Guy, with the masked man in front of us. I stayed silent as I listened, as this seemed too important to interrupt.  "I can tell that his Transport Techniques is linked to my to the same time-space as my Kamui!" Kakashi stated as my eyes narrowed in thought, it couldn't be possible unless they have the same eyes from one person and Kakashi's came from Obito, and Obito died with his only eye... does that mean... My eyes widened there were only two options and one was impossible. 

"Kakashi, is he...!?" Guy started, but was interrupted by Kakashi, who spoke to the masked man. "Where did you get that eye?!" my husband spoke his voice serious, yet I could tell there was a hit of fear to the truth making me realize he had the same thoughts as I do. 

Either the man behind that mask stole Obito's eyes or... no, it couldn't be, it wouldn't make sense. 

"The battle of Kannabi Bridge..." the man started as he clutched the wound on his shoulder, "...the same battle you got the title 'The Sharingan Hero'." he spoke as I gave a quick glance to Kakashi. "Are you...?" I finally spoke making everyone turn to me, I walked a bit forward to stand beside Kakashi as the man just stared at me.

"It's too late for regrets. Reality just keeps moving cruelly ahead." and my heart clenched... It wasn't possible, I heard Guy ask Kakashi and me if we were alright, already knowing what was being unfolded and how this is impacting us.

"You bastard..." Naruto yelled as he ran before us and stopped. "Are you still blabbing on about that?" He smiled before continuing, "I'm not giving up on being Hokage." I couldn't help but stand there staring off into space as they continued to talk, I was still stuck in disbelief. As Naruto and Kurama went to attack him, Kakashi placed his hand on my shoulder, "There's no time to dwindle in sentimentality." Guy said making me blink, "Hira, we need to end this battle." He said looking at me worried, but I still couldn't move, but luckily Kakashi stepped in front of me and made me look at him. 

"My love, I know how you feel, but now is not the time." He said as he rubbed circles on my cheek snapping me out of my pity thoughts, "You're right."

"I'm not alone!" Naruto spoke, "Don't forget Kurama! There's also Octopops and Eight-o... Bushier Brow Sensei! Hira-sensei! And Kakashi-sensei too!" Naruto said making Kakashi and I snap out of our sadness, we had a job to do, we have people to protect!

"Let's go, Guy," Kakashi said making him and Guy go into the battle, I stayed behind to take a breath. "I've got your backs!" I yelled as I activated my Sharingan and jumped in behind them, I reached them as Kakashi fell down as he overused his eye. I grabbed a katana as a rock came flying towards us, I quickly infused my blade with chakra and cut through it. Naruto attacked the masked man with a Tailed Beast Bomb, forcing the man to travel into the other realm, only he didn't know that Naruto's clone was transported by Kakashi a few moments before, which had caused him to fall down.

As they returned, well the man returned I helped Kakashi back up holding him by his waist with his arm around my shoulders. I felt my husband go ridged in my hold making me look up only to go rigid myself.

"Is that you...Obito?!" Kakashi questioned as the masked man's face was shown after Naruto broke his mask. 

"I thought you died..." Guy said, I was the only one staring wordlessly at him, I had a theory, but I had hoped I was wrong so seeing that I was right made my heart clench. I grabbed at my shirt above my heart. "no..." I continuously whispered as my knees felt like they would buckle. "Obito would never do this... he... he can't... no..." I kept whispering to myself as I watched the man before us, he resembled an older version of Obito too much for it not to be real, but I couldn't bring myself to believe what my eyes clearly saw.

Obito was a sweet and caring person, he use to help old ladies with carrying groceries or walking to their destinations, he was always late, and he always had a huge, bright grin on his face.

This man... he's not Obito...

At least not the one we knew, the one we loved.

*A/N- realized I made Hira's Katana's Tanto's my bad, haha... Haven't written this story for so long I have already forgotten some details.*

True Bonds ~Book 3 of Kakashi LS~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ